The Argonautika: The Story of Jason and the Quest for the Golden Fleece Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Argonautika: The Story of Jason and the Quest for the Golden Fleece Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the "first glow of dawn", what does Medea place on her head as she goes to meet Jason for the first time?
(a) A red scarf.
(b) A black scarf.
(c) A silver-white veil.
(d) A royal-blue veil.

2. Who does Kypris say should be cursed if they cannot help the goddesses achieve success for the Argonauts?
(a) Athena.
(b) Zeus.
(c) Herself.
(d) Hera.

3. What does Jason promise Medea when she offers to help him get the fleece?
(a) To take her to Hellas.
(b) To take her to his home.
(c) All of these.
(d) To marry her.

4. What area does Medea step out onto from the Argo as she comes to the place where the fleece is?
(a) "Aiolos' Bed."
(b) "The Bull's Bed."
(c) "The Ram's Bed."
(d) "Zeus' Bed."

5. What happens to the women of the Plain of Kirke when they die?
(a) They are cremated.
(b) They are put on boats and put out to sea.
(c) They are placed in a sacrifical tomb to Zeus.
(d) They buried in the earth.

Short Answer Questions

1. What goddess was rising as Medea fled the castle?

2. After Jason completed his challenge, what does Aietes spend all night pondering?

3. What does Medea kiss as she leaves the palace to flee with Jason?

4. Who does Jason kill in an ambush with Medea?

5. How many "measures" must Jason plow with the bronze-hoofed bulls?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Medea tell Jason will happen if he breaks his promise to her?

2. Why does Hera seek out Kypris (Aphrodite) to help Jason's quest?

3. Why does Hera like Jason so much?

4. How does Hera convince Thetis to help the Argonauts?

5. What precaution does Aietes give to Jason about the challenge?

6. What does Medea normally do during the day?

7. Describe the four springs that flow from Aietes's palace.

8. What happens that leads Mopsos to believe that Jason will be successful in meeting Aietes's challenge?

9. Why does the narrator ask the Muse to tell the story of Book Four?

10. Why is Erato called Erato?

(see the answer keys)

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