The Anatomy of Melancholy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Anatomy of Melancholy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When are Democritus's thoughts prevalent?
(a) Never.
(b) Today.
(c) The medieval period.
(d) Ancient times.

2. Burton thinks demons may be references to _______.
(a) The Devil.
(b) Fantasies.
(c) God.
(d) Actual people.

3. In Chapter 8, what inevitability does Burton observe as a cause for melancholy?
(a) Fear.
(b) Illness.
(c) Old age.
(d) Heartbreak.

4. Burton agrees with divine justice in that ____ causes suffering.
(a) Idleness.
(b) Sin.
(c) Fear.
(d) Age.

5. Which answer is not Burton's objective for writing "The Anatomy of Melancholy"?
(a) To entertain.
(b) To disprove phychologists.
(c) To change thought.
(d) To gain fame.

6. What does Burton believe is the only way the Devil can punish humans?
(a) If they've done something wrong.
(b) If they are loyal to him.
(c) If they are being tested.
(d) With God's permission.

7. If one experiences despondency, Burton believes his condition might be ______ related.
(a) Family.
(b) Health.
(c) Spiritually.
(d) Society.

8. What is the appearance of the melancholic humor?
(a) It's dark.
(b) It's clear.
(c) It's dry.
(d) It's warm.

9. What makes melancholy of special interest to Democritus?
(a) He loves the sound of the word.
(b) It is an undiscussed subject.
(c) He wants to help people.
(d) He has a melancholic temperament himself.

10. What do some claim humanoid demons are adept at?
(a) Art.
(b) Flattery.
(c) Deception.
(d) Conversation.

11. What is Burton's first step to correcting melancholy?
(a) Finding new friends.
(b) Recognizing its existence.
(c) Hours of meditation.
(d) Taking medication.

12. What symbolism does Burton use to describe fiery temperaments?
(a) Coals.
(b) Bombs.
(c) Lions.
(d) Warriors.

13. Burton thinks a dietary problem is _____.
(a) A mental cause for melancholy.
(b) A pre-exising cause for melancholy.
(c) A social cause for melancholy.
(d) An internal cause for melancholy.

14. What is chylus derived from?
(a) Eating vegetables.
(b) Eating meat.
(c) Melancholy.
(d) Studying.

15. Who are humanoid demons superior to?
(a) Humans.
(b) Regular demons.
(c) Priests.
(d) Children.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the beginning of Chapter 2, Burton explains _____ is a large component of melancholy.

2. In Burton's opinion, what is the benefit of large-scale disasters and diseases?

3. Where is the melancholic humor produced?

4. Burton sees people with fiery temperaments as very ______.

5. Burton explains there are natural and _______ causes for melancholy.

(see the answer keys)

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