The American Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The American Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Noemie's father offer to teach Newman when they first meet?
(a) How to play the stock market.
(b) How to paint.
(c) How to play badmitton.
(d) French.

2. How is Newman informed that he has been accepted by the Bellegardes family as Claire's suitor?
(a) He is never formally accepted.
(b) Through a letter sent in secret.
(c) Very formally in the smoking room.
(d) They never actually tell him this.

3. What is Babcock's job?
(a) He is a businessman.
(b) He is an artist.
(c) He is a Unitarian minister.
(d) He is a tennis player.

4. Who does Mrs. Tristam tell Newman is persecuting Claire?
(a) A priest who is obsessed with her.
(b) Her mother and one of her brothers.
(c) A reporter who knows secrets about her.
(d) The ghosts of her past.

5. What is Newman on the verge of doing when he spots Tom Tristam?
(a) Leaving Paris.
(b) Catching the last train out of town.
(c) Buying another painting.
(d) Sitting down to eat.

6. At the end of Chapter VIII, what does Valentin agree to do for Newman?
(a) Help him learn French faster.
(b) Everything he can to keep them apart.
(c) Convince the newspapers to stop following him around so much.
(d) Plead his case to Claire.

7. Nioche describes his former wife as _____________.
(a) His purgatory.
(b) A steady tree in a harsh wind.
(c) A firecracker.
(d) An angel.

8. While visiting Newman, what does Valentin confess to Newman that he is considering doing?
(a) Joining the military.
(b) Proposing to Noemie.
(c) Joining a monastery.
(d) Moving to America.

9. Where do Noemie and Valentin first meet?
(a) The Louvre.
(b) The Occidental Club.
(c) An open air market.
(d) A pub.

10. What does Nioche ask Newman to respect in their quest to see Noemie married?
(a) His wishes about her future husband's profession.
(b) His wife's wishes about her future husband's family.
(c) His daughter's innocence.
(d) His daughter's own preferences and desires.

11. What hotel is Newman staying in when he meets Tristam?
(a) The Ritz.
(b) The Hyatt.
(c) Just a no-name place.
(d) The Grand Hotel.

12. Who suggests that Newman might like a tour of the house during his visit to see Claire?
(a) Claire.
(b) Mrs. Tristam.
(c) Newman.
(d) Valentin.

13. Why did Valentin go to Rome when he was younger?
(a) To fight for the Pope.
(b) To join the church.
(c) To be an apprentice to a famous artist there.
(d) To get away from his family.

14. What does everyone drink during Newman's first visit to see Claire?
(a) Water.
(b) Tea.
(c) Brandy.
(d) Wine.

15. What are Valentin, Claire, and Newman sitting in front of the first time Newman pays Claire a visit?
(a) A nice fireplace.
(b) A very large mirror.
(c) A beautiful window overlooking a lake.
(d) A freaky statue of a dog.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does Newman wait to pay a visit to Claire after he has spoken to Valentin about his intentions with her?

2. Which child did Claire's family think would ruin the family's good name?

3. What reason does Mrs. Tristam give Newman about why Claire will never act against her mother or brother?

4. For how long does Claire make Newman promise to wait before bringing up the idea of marriage again?

5. Why can't Noemie's father help her get married?

(see the answer keys)

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