The Amber Room Test | Final Test - Easy

Steve Berry (novelist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Amber Room Test | Final Test - Easy

Steve Berry (novelist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following does Suzanne NOT promise Knoll after he catches up to her?
(a) She promises to sleep with him.
(b) She promises to tell him everything.
(c) She will tell him the location of The Amber Room.
(d) She calls a truce.

2. Paul tells Rachel that he is suspicious of whom?
(a) McKoy.
(b) Koch.
(c) Grumer.
(d) Wagner.

3. What letters does the man in #126 erase in the sand?
(a) O I C.
(b) F B I.
(c) C Y A.
(d) E T A.

4. Who goes by the name Margarethe?
(a) Cynthia.
(b) Marilyn.
(c) Suzanne.
(d) Rachel.

5. Who shoots and kills Knoll?
(a) Paul.
(b) Rachel.
(c) Suzanne.
(d) The butler.

6. Who is killed aboard a jet crash?
(a) Knoll and Monika.
(b) Fellner and Koch.
(c) Fellner and Monika.
(d) Knoll and Suzanne.

7. What does Knoll do after he escapes from the mine?
(a) Calls for emergency rescue.
(b) Leaves Rachel inside to die.
(c) Notifies the guards.
(d) Tries to clear rubble so Rachel can breathe.

8. Grumer assumes that Margarethe works for whom?
(a) McKoy.
(b) Fenner.
(c) Koch.
(d) Loring.

9. What do Paul, Rachel and McKoy see when they enter the cave?
(a) 4 trucks and 8 dead bodies.
(b) 1 truck and 2 dead bodies.
(c) 4 trucks and 4 dead bodies.
(d) 4 trucks and 2 dead bodies.

10. What are Rachel's thoughts after escaping the mine explosion?
(a) She wants to continue her search for The Amber Room.
(b) She wants to return home immediately.
(c) She wants to re-marry Paul.
(d) She wants to talk to her children.

11. How does Danya know who Rachel is?
(a) He can see Karol in her face.
(b) He has met her before.
(c) He has seen her picture in the paper.
(d) He asks to see her identification papers.

12. Paul arrives in which country in Chapter 31?
(a) Germany.
(b) France.
(c) Canada.
(d) England.

13. What does Paul notice during the meeting with the investors?
(a) It is getting very cold in the room.
(b) A blonde woman peeks into the meeting.
(c) The lights in the room flickered.
(d) A man in the back taking notes.

14. What doe Suzanne and Loring think about Knoll?
(a) He is trapped in the mine.
(b) He escaped the mine explosion.
(c) He is dead.
(d) He set off the explosion.

15. Who is Fritz Pannik?
(a) Book author.
(b) Newspaper editor.
(c) Federal investigator.
(d) Architect.

Short Answer Questions

1. The group is unsure of whose interest in The Amber Room?

2. How were the people in the mine killed?

3. Which of the following has NOT been some of the people killed in search of The Amber Room?

4. Who kills Grumer?

5. What does Fritz inform Rachel and Paul about regarding the mine?

(see the answer keys)

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