The Alexiad of Anna Comnena Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Alexiad of Anna Comnena Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Alexius leave in power while he was battling Robert?
(a) His mother.
(b) Isaac.
(c) Irene.
(d) Andromicus.

2. Why does Anna think that Rome was weak when his father was fighting for the emperor?
(a) The previous losses because of war.
(b) Plague.
(c) The switch in religion.
(d) The split between eastern and western empire.

3. Which of Alexius' allies had to retreat after a defeat?
(a) John Italus.
(b) Michael Ducas.
(c) Isaac.
(d) The King of France.

4. Who does Anna say Botaniates wished to concede the throne to?
(a) Robert.
(b) Melissenus.
(c) Isaac.
(d) Alexius.

5. Who does Anna say tries to act in order to remove the suspicion that arose after Alexius took power?
(a) Irene.
(b) Michael Ducas.
(c) John Ducas.
(d) Queen Anna.

6. What threat does Anna end Book VI with?
(a) Niceans.
(b) Turks.
(c) Scythians.
(d) Spaniards.

7. What does Pope Gregory VII accuse the one he had a dispute with of?
(a) Usurpation.
(b) Of being weak.
(c) Heresy.
(d) Of not giving enough money to the church.

8. Who does Anna's father fight against before becoming emperor?
(a) Ursel.
(b) Vercingetorix.
(c) Clovis.
(d) Obelix.

9. What was taken from Tzachas when Alexius took power?
(a) His wife.
(b) His titles.
(c) His fortune.
(d) His honor.

10. Who does Alexius start having problems with at the start of Book III?
(a) The Caesar family.
(b) The Robert family.
(c) The Andromicus family.
(d) The Ducas family.

11. Who is considered to take over the throne before Alexius according to Anna?
(a) Robert.
(b) Synadenus.
(c) Michael Ducas.
(d) Isaac.

12. What frightens Alexius according to Anna?
(a) Robert's will.
(b) The pope.
(c) Robert's army.
(d) Robert's disregard for his men.

13. What rank does Anna says Alexius attained under Nicephorus?
(a) General of the West.
(b) Great General.
(c) General of the North.
(d) General of the East.

14. Where is Bohemund when he hears about Bryennius' actions?
(a) Rome.
(b) Constantinople.
(c) Venice.
(d) Valone.

15. Who became Patriarch under Alexius?
(a) Eustratius Garidas.
(b) Isaac.
(c) Andromicus.
(d) Caesar Classius.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Anna say Alexius needed to defeat Robert?

2. What war does Book IV introduce?

3. What military advantage does Robert have?

4. How is Alexius crowned emperor according to Anna?

5. What does Anna say Alexius invents for his brother Isaac?

(see the answer keys)

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