The Adventures of China Iron Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Gabriela Cabezon Camara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 185 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventures of China Iron Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Gabriela Cabezon Camara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 185 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Do Come In, My Dear," what is the Colonel's perspective on the importation of European livestock?
(a) He believes that it introduces diseases into Argentine stock.
(b) He believes that it is driving prices up.
(c) He believes that it is an unnecessary example of European vanity.
(d) He believes that it improves Argentine stock.

2. What does the chapter title "Everything Covered Me like a Second Skin" refer to?
(a) The new language and customs that China Iron is gradually learning.
(b) The constant glare of the sun.
(c) The dust that China Iron and Liz are always battling.
(d) The new fabrics that China Iron has become used to.

3. In "A Bunch of Short Dark Hapsburgs," who are the titular "Hapsburgs"?
(a) The gauchos.
(b) The Indians.
(c) Children born of incest.
(d) An unknown group of intruders at the estancia.

4. At the end of "A Bunch of Short Dark Hapsburgs," what causes China Iron to draw her knife?
(a) One of the gauchos makes a pass at her.
(b) She thinks that Liz is in danger.
(c) The Colonel refers to her as a "lady."
(d) She is jealous of the way the Colonel and Liz seem to be flirting.

5. In "It Was the Brightness of the Light," what draws China Iron to the puppy that she eventually adopts?
(a) It is an English dog.
(b) Its youth and radiance.
(c) It is starving and sick.
(d) It seems unusually clever.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Tank You Señora for Cure Me," what does Rosario say he is looking for?

2. In "It Was the Brightness of the Light," what happens to China Iron's two sons after her husband is conscripted?

3. In "A Bunch of Short Dark Hapsburgs," what does the Colonel claim to embody?

4. In "British Science," what object does China Iron become fascinated with?

5. In "La China Isn't a Name," what is China Iron most pleased to see inside the wagon?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Liz kisses China Iron, in "Lost in Thought, into the Muck I Sank," how does China Iron respond?

2. In "Colors Become Detached from Their Objects," what is the significance of China Iron's comparison of Liz to a mare and a puma?

3. In "British Science," what book does Liz read to China Iron, and what odd conclusion does it lead China Iron to?

4. In "The Wagon," how is it that China Iron says she knows that her story is true?

5. Explain the analogy that China Iron uses in "British Science," in which she compares Great Britain to a "voracious heart" (55).

6. What metaphor does China Iron use to describe the Colonel's vomit in In "Colors Become Detached from Their Objects," and what is its significance?

7. In "Tangled Legs," why does China Iron compare the ditch to a branding iron?

8. In "Tangled Legs," what are Rosario's complaints about how he has to live while at the estancia?

9. Of all of the creatures that Liz draws for China Iron, which one most captures her imagination, and why?

10. In "That's Also Something You Eat and Drink with Scones," what does China Iron come to realize about drinking tea, using cotton towels, and so on?

(see the answer keys)

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