The Acharnians [and] the Clouds [and] Lysistrata Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Acharnians [and] the Clouds [and] Lysistrata Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Calonice's first conversation with Lysistrata, which of the following are not part of what a woman can do?
(a) Speak for herself.
(b) Wear giant slippers.
(c) Look pretty.
(d) Sit at home.

2. In Part 3 of Lysistrata, which woman is the first to exit the temple and face the Magistrate?
(a) Lampito.
(b) Lysistrata.
(c) Myrrhne.
(d) Calcone.

3. What does Cinesias tell Lysistrata he wants?
(a) To help the women.
(b) To go home. He loves it there now this his wife is gone.
(c) To see his wife.
(d) To flee Athens.

4. How does Socrates feel about teaching Pheidippides?
(a) Socrates thinks Pheidippides will be difficult to teach.
(b) Socrates thinks Pheidippides will be easy to teach.
(c) Socrates thinks Pheidippides will be exciting to teach.
(d) Socrates refuses to take Pheidippides as a student in the school.

5. What does Lysistrata suggest the Magistrate and all the men do?
(a) Listen to the women, but do what they think is best.
(b) Stay in charge. Keep the status quo.
(c) Listen to the women but put in their opinions, too.
(d) Listen to the women and keep quiet, as they used to do.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Wrong dressed in Part 3 of The Clouds?

2. After The Chorus of Old Men get to the Acropolis, they blow on their coals. What happens?

3. Who provides the rules for Right and Wrong's argument?

4. As The Chorus of Old Men slowly get their fires going, who runs to the scene?

5. Why is Myrrhine late for Lysistrata's meeting?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe how Strepsiades finally gets Pheidippides to attend The Thinkery.

2. Who is Lampito? Describe how she is treated by the Athenian women.

3. What do The Chorus of Old Men's pots symbolize?

4. How does Lysistrata rally the women?

5. In the past, how did the women of Lysistrata feel about the political blunders of their husbands? How did they deal with it?

6. How does The Clouds end?

7. Describe the Magistrate in Part 3 of Lysistrata.

8. How are the women reacting to the sex strike? What does this say about the women?

9. Describe the second meeting of the Choruses in Lysistrata.

10. Describe Lysistrata.

(see the answer keys)

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