The Acharnians [and] the Clouds [and] Lysistrata Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Acharnians [and] the Clouds [and] Lysistrata Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is chasing Amphitheus?
(a) The Chorus of Acharnians.
(b) Dikaiopolis.
(c) Zeus.
(d) The assembly.

2. Who can Socrates just not teach in The Clouds?
(a) Xanthias.
(b) Chaerephon.
(c) Strepsiades.
(d) Pheidippides.

3. How does Socrates appear for the first time in The Clouds?
(a) From the trap door, like a sneak.
(b) From the audience, like a level-headed philosopher.
(c) Airborne, like a god in tradegy.
(d) Stage right, like an actor.

4. How does Dikaiopolis designate the free trade area?
(a) A line drawn in the sand.
(b) A grassy patch off to the side.
(c) Stones laid on the ground,
(d) Sticks laid on the ground.

5. How does The Chorus of Acharnians feel about Dikaiopolis after all of his trading?
(a) The Chorus of Acharnians don't say how they feel.
(b) The Chorus of Acharnians praises Dikaiopolis.
(c) The Chorus of Acharnians are indifferent to Dikaiopolis.
(d) The Chorus of Acharnians are angry with Dikaiopolis.

Short Answer Questions

1. Dikaiopolis tells his daughter to have what kind of look on her face when she is carrying the basket?

2. Aristophanes describes all the students in The Clouds as what?

3. What does Dikaiopolis swap with the Thebian?

4. Why does Pheidippides agree to go to learn rhetoric?

5. How does Dikaiopolis finally get the Chorus of Acharnians to listen to his side of the story?

Short Essay Questions

1. Present the argument that finally wins a few drops of peace from Dikaiopolis.

2. What kind of student is Strepsiades?

3. How does the Chorus of Acharnians feel about Dikaiopolis after the Megaran leaves?

4. How is Euripidies depicted in The Acharnians?

5. What do all the bugs in The Thinkery suggest?

6. The playwright highlights Dikaiopolis's character arc by juxtaposing Lamachus getting ready for battle with Dikaiopolis getting ready to go feast. How has the character of Dikaiopolis changed?

7. What kind of teacher is Socrates in The Clouds?

8. In The Acharnians, what do you think the playwright is saying about the way of war and the way of peace as his overall message?

9. Why is Strepsiades so fretful he can't even sleep in the beginning of The Clouds?

10. What does the Chorus of Acharnians look like?

(see the answer keys)

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