The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What word is repeated on the image of the flying horse in the clouds in Chapter 7: "Rowdy Sings the Blues"?
(a) Fear.
(b) Help.
(c) Alone.
(d) White.

2. What does Penelope say she's going to ask for instead of candy when she goes trick-or-treating in Chapter 11: "Halloween"?
(a) Canned food.
(b) Spare change.
(c) Clothing.
(d) Toys for children.

3. What fast food restaurant does Junior describe his parents getting chicken from in Chapter 2: "Why Chicken Means So Much to Me"?
(a) Chick Fil-A.
(b) Buffalo Hot Wings.
(c) Kentucky Fried Chicken.
(d) Popeye's Chicken.

4. What color bandana does Junior's grandmother wear whenever she visits friends?
(a) Green.
(b) Black.
(c) Red.
(d) Blue.

5. What was the score when the Wellpinit Junior High Academic Bowl played against Reardan Junior High School the previous year, according to Junior in Chapter 7: "Rowdy Sings the Blues"?
(a) 16-18.
(b) 22-44.
(c) 26-12.
(d) 50-1.

Short Answer Questions

1. What name is printed in the geometry book that Junior receives in class in Chapter 4: "Because Geometry Is Not a Country Somewhere Near France"?

2. In Junior's drawing from Chapter 3: "Revenge Is My Middle Name," he compares the powwow dancer to what animal?

3. Where does Junior say his sister spends twenty-three hours a day in the beginning of the novel?

4. What is described as Junior's grandmother's best dish in the illustration of her in Chapter 9: "Grandmother Gives Me Some Advice"?

5. Where has Mary moved after marrying in Chapter 12: "Slouching Toward Thanksgiving"?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Mary describe her circumstances in her email to Junior in Chapter 13: "My Sister Sends Me an E-mail"?

2. How does Junior describe his family's financial circumstances in Chapter 2: "Why Chicken Means So Much to Me"?

3. How are Junior and Penelope dressed for Halloween in Chapter 11: "Halloween"?

4. How does the reservation where Mary has moved to differ from the one where she and Junior grew up?

5. What birth defect does Junior describe having been born with in Chapter 1: "The Black Eye of the Month Club"?

6. What prediction does Junior's grandmother make in Chapter 9: "Grandmother Gives Me Some Advice"?

7. How does Junior describe his feelings about "community" in the beginning of Chapter 12: "Slouching Toward Thanksgiving"?

8. How does Junior discover Penelope's eating disorder in Chapter 15: "Hunger Pains"?

9. Who leads the violent conflict in Chapter 3: "Revenge Is My Middle Name"? What is the biggest concern about the conflict?

10. What conversation do Eugene and Junior have when Eugene drops Junior off at school in Chapter 9: "Grandmother Gives Me Some Advice"?

(see the answer keys)

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