The 42nd Parallel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The 42nd Parallel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After going to the theater one night, whom does Mac meet?
(a) McCreary.
(b) Maisie.
(c) Hill.
(d) Harrison.

2. What does Fainy discover when he is waiting for Mannie Bingham?
(a) He is behind on the office rent.
(b) He is wealthy.
(c) He is an alcoholic.
(d) He is very cruel.

3. Ike and Fainy meet ______________on the boat to Seattle.
(a) De Passo and Steve.
(b) Lucy and Mary.
(c) Harrison and Pew.
(d) Gladys and Olive.

4. In News Reel II, what is the event discussed concerning George Smith and his brother?
(a) How they were hanged by a Kansas mob.
(b) How they built a time machine.
(c) How they robbed a bank in Cincinnati.
(d) How they turned to evil to avenge the death of their mother.

5. Where does Fainy take the boxes?
(a) Mohawk House.
(b) Tate Museum.
(c) Dublin.
(d) Underhill.

6. According to the ad, what is the salary for the job for which Fainy interviews?
(a) Twenty dollars a month.
(b) Forty dollars a month.
(c) Fifteen dollars a week.
(d) Fifty dollars a week.

7. Who tries to sell books and pamphlets to men inside the railroad cars?
(a) Doc Mary.
(b) Manny Binghman.
(c) Saginaw Rush.
(d) Fainy Crealy.

8. Who is the lawyer that stays in touch with Janey even after he leaves the firm?
(a) Jason Bruback.
(b) Mark Schieffer.
(c) David Carol.
(d) Jerry Burnham.

9. Whom does Mac meet in the park in Los Angeles that is an old friend of his?
(a) McCreary.
(b) Lucy Hammond.
(c) Ben Evans.
(d) Upton Sinclair.

10. What is the opening newsreel clip about?
(a) The cobblestone mansion where Miles lives.
(b) The death of McCreary.
(c) The birth of Harrison.
(d) The closing of Capital City's Century.

11. What is Mac's real name?
(a) Scott Columbine.
(b) General Harrision.
(c) Fainy McCreary.
(d) Miguel Dos Passos.

12. What does Maisie tell Mac in her letter to him?
(a) She is sick and dying.
(b) She is lonely and misses him.
(c) She is pregnant and wants to get married.
(d) She is angry.

13. When Mac stays at a Y.M.C.A., where does he lock his money?
(a) Underground.
(b) In a vault.
(c) In a suitcase.
(d) In the glove compartment.

14. Who convinces Mac to stay another month in Nevada despite Maisie's moving letter?
(a) President Harrison.
(b) Upton Sinclair.
(c) Fred Hoff.
(d) Lucy Hammond.

15. Where does Mac meet Fred Hoff?
(a) A film by Rodriguez.
(b) A performance by Frank Sinatra.
(c) A lecture by Upton Sinclair.
(d) A speech by Harrison.

Short Answer Questions

1. The real estate company sends Johnny on business to _____________.

2. What is the name of Mac and Maisie's first child?

3. What does Mac feel sad about leaving behind when they leave for Chicago?

4. What does Johnny ask Annabelle when they spend time together?

5. At whose house does Fainy stay when he sees Bingham being chased with a shotgun?

(see the answer keys)

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