The 42nd Parallel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The 42nd Parallel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For which patent attorneys does Janey go to work?
(a) Miller and Hill.
(b) Lancaster and Bruback.
(c) Dreyfus and Carrol.
(d) Schumann and Fox.

2. Johnny often finds Annabelle in the company of _____________.
(a) Her neighbor.
(b) A governess.
(c) A Frenchman.
(d) Her father.

3. In what section of Washington, D.C. did Janey grow up?
(a) District Lawyers.
(b) Georgetown.
(c) Bethany.
(d) Capital Hill.

4. What does Johnny ask Annabelle when they spend time together?
(a) If she loved someone else.
(b) If she would leave with him.
(c) If she loved him.
(d) If she could marry someone like him.

5. Whose death forces Mac's family to move to Chicago?
(a) His aunt's.
(b) His brother's.
(c) His father's.
(d) His mother's.

6. What does the son of the woman who owns a farmhouse sneak into the barn to buy?
(a) Cigarettes.
(b) Alcohol.
(c) A book on sex.
(d) Marijuana.

7. What does Mac feel sad about leaving behind when they leave for Chicago?
(a) His parents.
(b) The familiar.
(c) The dog.
(d) His toys.

8. What is the name of Mac and Maisie's first child?
(a) Mason.
(b) Margaret.
(c) Sam.
(d) Rose.

9. In the Camera Eye section, who became active in the labor union and the Socialist Party?
(a) Bill Haywood.
(b) Upton Sinclair.
(c) Fred Hoff.
(d) President Harrison.

10. What is the 42nd parallel about?
(a) The lives of ordinary Americans living in and trapped by the time period in which they live.
(b) The lives of individuals who were driven from their homes on the meridian line called the 42nd parallel.
(c) The lives of ordinary Americans who inhabit the meridian line called the 42nd parallel.
(d) The lives of extraordinary Americans living in and trapped by the time period in which they live.

11. Where do Ike and Fainy want to go with the money they earn?
(a) Duluth.
(b) New York City.
(c) San Francisco.
(d) St. Paul.

12. What does Johnny do in his new job?
(a) Purchases property for the firm.
(b) Negotiates with lawyers.
(c) Writes advertising for real estate.
(d) Sells advertising for real estate.

13. At whose house does Fainy stay when he sees Bingham being chased with a shotgun?
(a) Mrs. Kovach.
(b) Mr. Rush.
(c) Mrs. Saginaw.
(d) Mr. Crealy.

14. The real estate company sends Johnny on business to _____________.
(a) St. Louis, Missouri.
(b) San Francisco, California.
(c) Wilmington, Delaware.
(d) Ocean City, Maryland.

15. What is the name of the place in Nevada that Mac visits and meets union workers?
(a) Las Vegas.
(b) Reno.
(c) Sunrise.
(d) Goldfield.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does the train bound for San Francisco take Ike and Fainy?

2. When Mac is a child, what is he afraid of?

3. What is the safest place to play for Mac when he is a child?

4. What individual is mentioned in pages 85-103 of the News Reel for being shot for his revolutionary activities?

5. Why did Johnny have to give up on his college in his second year?

(see the answer keys)

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