The 42nd Parallel Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The 42nd Parallel Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through pgs. 62-84.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who convinces Mac to stay another month in Nevada despite Maisie's moving letter?
(a) Lucy Hammond.
(b) Fred Hoff.
(c) President Harrison.
(d) Upton Sinclair.

2. What is the name of Hoff's organization that Mac joins?
(a) POW.
(b) Industrial Workers of the World.
(c) AAA.
(d) NAACP.

3. What is the safest place to play for Mac when he is a child?
(a) Attic of his dad's house.
(b) Backyard of a frame house.
(c) Bathroom of his aunt's mansion.
(d) Roof of his house.

4. What does Fainy discover about his new employer right away when he enters the tailor shop?
(a) He is in debt.
(b) He spends a lot.
(c) He is a bad tailor.
(d) He is a great tailor.

5. Where is the demonstration against the Czar mentioned in News Reel II held?
(a) Smolensk.
(b) Vladivostok.
(c) Minsk.
(d) Moscow.

Short Answer Questions

1. At whose house does Fainy stay when he sees Bingham being chased with a shotgun?

2. Who walks along a cobblestone path in the Camera Eye segment?

3. What does the son of the woman who owns a farmhouse sneak into the barn to buy?

4. In the news clip about Harrison's speech, what does the toast celebrate?

5. What is the natural disaster that occurs in San Francisco while Mac is there?

(see the answer key)

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