The 12th Planet Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The 12th Planet Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Enlil decide to have a flood wipe out all of humanity?
(a) He wanted to recreate better humans.
(b) The humans asked for water, so he gave them a lot.
(c) The Flood was the last straw. He had previously tried to kill off mankind through famine.
(d) He changed his mind at the last moment.

2. Of the two brother-gods, who was man's advocate?
(a) Enki.
(b) Gibil.
(c) Nanna.
(d) Enlil.

3. How does Noah/Ziusudra/Utnapishtim attract the gods after the great flood?
(a) Roasts a sacrifice on a mountaintop.
(b) Damned all the gods.
(c) Killed a god for a bribe.
(d) Made a fire signal.

4. What was used to fertilize a Homo erectus egg?
(a) The sperm of animals.
(b) The sperm of Zeus.
(c) The spirit of gods.
(d) The sperm of the gods.

5. How is the planet-god of Shar described in Sumerian texts?
(a) Resentful.
(b) Beautiful.
(c) Strong and powerful.
(d) Radiant.

6. What does Sitchin claim about his creation story?
(a) It involved a lot of scientific evolution.
(b) It was completely true.
(c) It was a blend of creationism and evolution.
(d) It was only creationism.

7. What planets were a part of seventh heaven?
(a) Pluto, Mars, Earth, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Venus.
(b) Pluto, Mars, Earth, Neptune, Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter.
(c) Pluto, Mars, Venus, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter.
(d) Pluto, Mars, Earth, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter.

8. How long were the great Sumerian rulers?
(a) 500,000 years.
(b) 432,000 years.
(c) 700,000 years
(d) 1,000,000 years.

9. What created a rivalry between Enlil and Enki?
(a) Enlil's take over of Earth.
(b) Enlil betrayed his brother.
(c) Enlil slept with Enki's wife.
(d) Enlil beat his brother.

10. How long did the Nefilim occupation last?
(a) 450,000 years ago until 5,000 years ago.
(b) 450,000 years ago until 13,000 years ago.
(c) It never ended, the Nefilim are still here.
(d) 13,000 years ago until 5,000 years ago.

11. Sitchin suggests that when the Nefilim slave- human stopped having sex with animals and started having sex with women they became _____________.
(a) Territorial.
(b) Distracted.
(c) Annoyed.
(d) More advanced.

12. Noah saves himself in an ark. What does Atra- Harris sail in?
(a) A boat.
(b) A motorboat.
(c) A submarine.
(d) A rocketship.

13. Which god took control and protected Larak?
(a) Larsa.
(b) Sippar.
(c) Ninurta.
(d) Nannar.

14. What were the Anunnaki?
(a) Gods that would not die.
(b) Animals.
(c) Working class gods.
(d) Humans.

15. What did Sitchin suggest that "shar" meant?
(a) The Luke's family constantly lies to him
(b) A type of being.
(c) The length of the orbit of the planet Shar.
(d) A superior place to live.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do the gods land their spacecraft after they return to Earth?

2. To the Nefilim, what planet number would Earth be?

3. When did local flooding occur in Mesopotamia?

4. What number (counting from outside the solar system) did the Nefilim consider Saturn to be?

5. Why did Sitchin think that the gods chose to inhabit Earth?

(see the answer keys)

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