The 12th Planet Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The 12th Planet Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the gods seem to wear to help them fly?
(a) Jet packs.
(b) Wings.
(c) Goggles, weapons, and earphones.
(d) Parachutes.

2. Because Sumerian seemed to have the first schools, a 2-house legislature, historian, written code of law, and legal reform, Sitchin thought that Sumer must have been ______.
(a) Very motivated people.
(b) A community of pretentious people.
(c) More ancient than 4600 years old.
(d) Fictionalized.

3. Who did El's son Baal (or Elyon) die fighting?
(a) Anu, his father.
(b) Enki, his uncle.
(c) Enlil.
(d) His brother, Yam.

4. Which planet is Saturn's offspring?
(a) Neptune.
(b) Earth.
(c) Venus.
(d) Pluto.

5. What did the Sumerians know the exact dates of in Chapter 6?
(a) Future events that would happen.
(b) Their gods birthdays.
(c) When rain would come.
(d) The shifts in the houses of the zodiac.

6. Why does Sitchin assume that gods "had flight" or liked to fly?
(a) They wore parachutes.
(b) They were often depicted with wings.
(c) They drew many pictures of birds.
(d) They had special submarines that could fly out of water.

7. WHat is the Babylonian name for sun?
(a) Apsu.
(b) Sel.
(c) Su.
(d) Apsire.

8. What area did Hades reign?
(a) The ocean.
(b) The land.
(c) The underworld.
(d) The heavens.

9. This planet comes near earth every 3600 years.
(a) Share.
(b) Shrie.
(c) Shar.
(d) Shir.

10. Where does Enki's Adapa try to go the gain eternal life?
(a) To the sea.
(b) To the underworld.
(c) To a god higher than Anu.
(d) To Anu.

11. What does the word "Nefilim" mean?
(a) The gods among us.
(b) Those who fell to Earth.
(c) Our friends from Neptune.
(d) The giants.

12. What culture shared similarities to the Hittite gods?
(a) Sumerians.
(b) Babylonians.
(c) Canaanites.
(d) Greeks.

13. The Sumerians knew to use this substance as a disinfectant.
(a) Soap.
(b) Alcohol.
(c) Aspirin.
(d) Lysol.

14. Who was Kash-Yappa's son?
(a) Cronos.
(b) Anu.
(c) Indra.
(d) Teshub.

15. Why don't stars have gods?
(a) Stars are hostile environments.
(b) Stars have their own gods.
(c) Stars are unlivable places.
(d) Stars are too far away for godly visits.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who in Hindu was the father of the Hindi 12 gods?

2. What did Sitchin credit the Neflim with?

3. In Sitchin's estimation, Sumer was an incredibly advanced civilization that lasted for __________.

4. How did Zeus gain his power?

5. What Hittite god was like the Greek god Zeus?

(see the answer keys)

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