The 12th Planet Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The 12th Planet Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why don't stars have gods?
(a) Stars are hostile environments.
(b) Stars are too far away for godly visits.
(c) Stars have their own gods.
(d) Stars are unlivable places.

2. In the Sudden Civilization, what does Sitchin use as a historical source to prove Sumer's relationships with its Gods?
(a) The Christian Bible.
(b) Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints Bible.
(c) The Torah.
(d) The Koran.

3. In Chapter 4, which god (and son of Anu) was revealed to have created man and ruled from Nippur?
(a) Ninlil.
(b) Enlil.
(c) Sud.
(d) Ea.

4. What area did Hades reign?
(a) The underworld.
(b) The ocean.
(c) The heavens.
(d) The land.

5. Who are the Neflim?
(a) A vicious type of prehistoric animal.
(b) An advanced being that inhabited Shar.
(c) A lizard.
(d) The people of Nefia.

6. How did Zeus gain his power?
(a) Killed all the other gods.
(b) Killed Hades.
(c) Defeated a serpentine with his two brothers.
(d) Defeated his own father.

7. Where did An or Anu live?
(a) In the underworld.
(b) In the forest.
(c) In his mother's womb.
(d) In the heavens.

8. Who excavated a cave called Shanidar in Kurdish territory in 1957?
(a) Robert Saul.
(b) Ralph Soleck.
(c) Randolph Samms.
(d) Randal Sole

9. How did Sitchin interpret the Babylonian creation story?
(a) Analyzed the story.
(b) The same as other scholars.
(c) He did not believe it occurred.
(d) Literally.

10. Before Copernicus, what did the Greeks and Romans think about the universe?
(a) The heavens moved around a flat Earth.
(b) Earth was flat.
(c) Earth was in a solar system.
(d) Earth was the only planet.

11. What does the word "Nefilim" mean?
(a) Our friends from Neptune.
(b) Those who fell to Earth.
(c) The gods among us.
(d) The giants.

12. Who was Marduk?
(a) A mean ruler of Babylon.
(b) A cruel father of Anu.
(c) He became the primary god of Babylon.
(d) The father of Zeus.

13. What do the older planet-gods promise to Marduk if it can defeat Tiamat?
(a) Money.
(b) Power.
(c) Land.
(d) Rulership.

14. Where does Enki's Adapa try to go the gain eternal life?
(a) To Anu.
(b) To the sea.
(c) To a god higher than Anu.
(d) To the underworld.

15. Sitchin thought that Akkad, a kingdom, predated Assyria by how years?
(a) 10,000.
(b) 5000.
(c) 2000.
(d) 1000.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who in Hindu was the father of the Hindi 12 gods?

2. How many major Sumerian gods are there?

3. Because Sumerian seemed to have the first schools, a 2-house legislature, historian, written code of law, and legal reform, Sitchin thought that Sumer must have been ______.

4. In Sitchin's estimation, how many years ago was mankind "refreshed"?

5. The Sumerians knew to use this substance as a disinfectant.

(see the answer keys)

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