Tex Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tex Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are Tex and Mason inundated with?
(a) Phone calls
(b) Messages
(c) Visitors
(d) Mail

2. Why did Cole make Tex hang up the phone?
(a) So he could call the police
(b) So he could call an ambulance
(c) So the ambulance could find Tex
(d) So he could call Mason

3. Why does Tex think Mason yells at him?
(a) To make up for Pop never yelling
(b) Because Mason wants to be a father
(c) Because Mason does not like Tex
(d) To make Tex feel bad about everything

4. What does Lem tell his wife to do?
(a) Pack the baby up so they can flee to another city
(b) Come and pick he and Tex up
(c) Get rid of all the drugs
(d) Call the ambulance

5. What does Tex realize about Lem?
(a) That he is not that smart
(b) That he only cares about himself
(c) That he is just another person who will dump him
(d) That he is a trouble maker

6. How does Pop explain Tex's mother contracted pneumonia?
(a) She refused to go to the doctor for any treatment
(b) She was mad at him and walked to a dance in the snow and cold
(c) He would not allow her to go to the doctor
(d) He could not afford to pay for heat during the winter

7. Why does Tex say he will never shoot anything again?
(a) Because he no longer has the guts to kill things
(b) Because he is afraid of guns
(c) Because he made a promise to God
(d) Because he knows how it feels

8. Where does Tex take Jamie after they leave the game?
(a) Football field
(b) Home
(c) His house
(d) Gravel pits

9. What do Mason and Tex do to relax?
(a) Get drunk
(b) Smoke marijuana
(c) Shoot at targets
(d) Go to bed early

10. What did Tex tell Jamie that he forgot about her?
(a) She always thought she was better than him
(b) She was one of those that was leaving
(c) She didn't care about him
(d) She always liked Mason better than him

11. What does Tex wonder about love?
(a) Why he didn't figure it out sooner
(b) Why no one loves him
(c) Why it is so hard
(d) How you can love more than one person

12. What is the only thing that keeps Tex's mind off of his horse?
(a) Having Pop back in his life
(b) School work
(c) His relationship with Jamie
(d) Fighting with Mason

13. Why has Pop decided to come home?
(a) Because he is out of money
(b) Because he was injured on the rodeo circuit
(c) Because he wants to see his children
(d) Because of the news and kidnapping

14. Under what circumstances does Pop tell Tex that he was conceived?
(a) Pop was in jail
(b) His mother left his father because he was seeing other women
(c) It was before Pop and his mother were married
(d) Pop left his mother

15. From whom does Tex receive a letter?
(a) Johnny
(b) Lem
(c) Jamie
(d) Cole

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Tex answer the questions the police ask him?

2. Which word best describes how Mason feels after Tex tells him he should definitely go to college?

3. What does Tex tell Mason to hurt his feelings?

4. What prank are Johnny and Tex planning at the beginning of chapter nine?

5. How long does Jamie tell Mason their marriage would last?

(see the answer keys)

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