Tex Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tex Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Pop explain Tex's mother contracted pneumonia?
(a) He would not allow her to go to the doctor
(b) She was mad at him and walked to a dance in the snow and cold
(c) He could not afford to pay for heat during the winter
(d) She refused to go to the doctor for any treatment

2. What is one topic that Johnny and Tex cannot talk to each other about?
(a) Cole
(b) Jamie
(c) Pop
(d) Mason

3. What part of Mason is injured at the basketball game?
(a) Ankle
(b) Arm
(c) Leg
(d) Stomach

4. What is the reason, as Tex thinks, for the Collins' trip to Disneyland?
(a) To separate Jamie and Tex
(b) Just a normal family vacation
(c) To give everyone a fresh start
(d) To bury the hatchet with Blackie

5. Where does Tex take Jamie after they leave the game?
(a) Home
(b) Football field
(c) Gravel pits
(d) His house

6. What is the only thing that keeps Tex's mind off of his horse?
(a) Having Pop back in his life
(b) School work
(c) Fighting with Mason
(d) His relationship with Jamie

7. How does Jamie hurt Tex?
(a) She asks him to take her home
(b) She says she is not ready to date
(c) She tells him she is pregnant
(d) She tells him she is going to date Mason

8. Why did the man with the summer job decide to give the job to Tex?
(a) Because Pop paid him to wait for Tex to heal
(b) Because he promised Miss Johnson
(c) Because he saw him at the fair working with horses
(d) Because he owed the police a favor

9. Why has Pop decided to come home?
(a) Because he wants to see his children
(b) Because of the news and kidnapping
(c) Because he is out of money
(d) Because he was injured on the rodeo circuit

10. What are Tex and Mason inundated with?
(a) Messages
(b) Mail
(c) Phone calls
(d) Visitors

11. What does Tex tell Lem when he gets out of the truck after being shot?
(a) Tex tells Lem to go to get Mason
(b) Tex tells him to dump him like everyone else has
(c) Tex tells Lem to go home
(d) Tex tells Lem to run away and be safe

12. Who replaces Mason in the basketball game?
(a) Tex
(b) Blackie
(c) Johnny
(d) Bob

13. Who does Lem call when he takes the phone from Tex?
(a) The hospital
(b) Mason
(c) His home
(d) Pop

14. What does Tex realize about Lem?
(a) That he is not that smart
(b) That he is a trouble maker
(c) That he only cares about himself
(d) That he is just another person who will dump him

15. Who is Johnny most worried about finding out about the prank?
(a) Cole
(b) Jamie
(c) Principal
(d) Vice Principal

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Tex tell Mason before he had surgery in the hospital?

2. Who does Tex talk to when he is allowed outside at lunchtime?

3. Why don't the people Lem is talking to want Tex to go outside and wait?

4. What does Jamie tell Tex can't solve everything?

5. Who picks Tex up after he walks out of the school?

(see the answer keys)

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