Tex Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tex Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Tex chasing in his dreams?
(a) Horse
(b) Mother
(c) Brother
(d) Father

2. How does Tex end the crisis with the hitchhiker?
(a) Slams on his brakes
(b) Runs the truck into a canyon
(c) Drives the truck into a tree
(d) Speeds up faster

3. What does Tex realize that the hitchhiker has in regards to Mason?
(a) A gun to Mason's side
(b) Tex is naive and does not pick up on anything the hitchhiker does
(c) Mason in a head lock
(d) A knife pointed at Mason's gut

4. What happens on Johnny's attempt?
(a) He crashes and is seriously injured
(b) He succeeds
(c) He fails and falls into the creek where Tex must save him
(d) He fails at the last minute

5. Which of the following types of people does the fortune teller say that Tex is?
(a) One who goes
(b) One who stays
(c) One who finds happiness
(d) One who is quite sad

6. How long has Pop been gone?
(a) Years
(b) Weeks
(c) Days
(d) Months

7. Why is Tex surprised to see Mason at home after school?
(a) He usually is doing something basketball related
(b) He gets out of school later than Tex
(c) He is not surprised; Mason is usually home before him
(d) He should be at his job

8. On what day of the week do the events of chapter five occur?
(a) Monday
(b) Wednesday
(c) Saturday
(d) Sunday

9. What forces Johnny and Tex to finally start speaking to each other again?
(a) Cole going out of town
(b) Johnny's injury on his motorbike
(c) Pop returning home to be with Tex and Mason
(d) Jamie's threatening to no longer speak to Tex

10. Which character is accused of ruining the happy mood when Tex, Mason, and Lem share the news?
(a) Lem
(b) Cole
(c) Johnny
(d) Jamie

11. Which of the following questions is the yes or no question which Tex thought of while with the fortune teller?
(a) Will Pop return before Thanksgiving?
(b) Will Mason leave me?
(c) Will I get Negrito back?
(d) Does Jamie want to be my girlfriend?

12. Which word best describes how Tex feels when he first wakes up in the morning?
(a) Relieved
(b) Hungover
(c) Sullen
(d) Angry

13. Which sport does Mason excel at in school?
(a) Basketball
(b) Hockey
(c) Soccer
(d) Baseball

14. Which word best describes how Tex feels when Cole is around?
(a) Afraid
(b) Relieved
(c) Respectful
(d) Ashamed

15. What is the likely reason for the heat being turned off in the house?
(a) The furnace was broken
(b) It was warm outside, so there was no need for heat
(c) The bill was not paid
(d) Everyone was at school and has not turned it on yet

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Tex do to an art project which got him in trouble?

2. Who does Cole want to blame for the boys drunkenness the night before?

3. What did Tex's mother die from?

4. How long has Tex known Lem?

5. Where is Tex told to drive?

(see the answer keys)

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