Tex Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tex Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Tex feel when the people at the outdoor sporting goods store tell him he can go?
(a) Fortunate
(b) Respected
(c) Angry
(d) Vindicated

2. Which word best describes Tex's behavior with the female clerk?
(a) Awkward
(b) Smooth
(c) Flirtatious
(d) Cool

3. Which word best describes what Cole hopes to do to Mason and Tex?
(a) Intimidate
(b) Help
(c) Repulse
(d) Excite

4. How does the vice principal generally respond when Tex is sent there?
(a) Calls Mason to deal with him
(b) Scolds him
(c) Does nothing as Tex rarely if ever gets in trouble
(d) Suspends him

5. How long has Pop been gone?
(a) Weeks
(b) Days
(c) Months
(d) Years

6. Who did the hitchhiker remind Tex of?
(a) Pop
(b) Mason
(c) Lem
(d) Himself

7. How do Johnny and Tex feel after they have both made their attempts?
(a) Sad
(b) Worse
(c) Better
(d) Jubilant

8. Where does Johnny like to ride his motorbike?
(a) Dike
(b) Gravel pits
(c) Canyon
(d) Quarry

9. What does the hitchhiker tell Mason and Tex he has done?
(a) Broken a few legs
(b) Killed a few people
(c) Killed a police officer
(d) Sold drugs

10. Why is Tex surprised to see Mason at home after school?
(a) He is not surprised; Mason is usually home before him
(b) He gets out of school later than Tex
(c) He usually is doing something basketball related
(d) He should be at his job

11. Which of the following types of people does the fortune teller say that Tex is?
(a) One who goes
(b) One who is quite sad
(c) One who finds happiness
(d) One who stays

12. What is Johnny taunted to attempt?
(a) Jumping over a creek
(b) Riding up the side of a mountain
(c) Jumping over Tex
(d) Riding down a dangerous canyon

13. Who is Cole?
(a) Mason's friend
(b) Jamie's brother
(c) Jamie's father
(d) Tex's father

14. What announcement does Mason and Tex's nighttime visitor share?
(a) Lem and his wife are moving in with Tex and Mason
(b) Lem and his wife had a baby
(c) Lem and his wife are going back to school
(d) Lem and his wife are divorcing

15. Who do they visit once they leave the fair?
(a) Mason
(b) Jamie
(c) Charlie
(d) Johnny

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Mason going on Saturday?

2. Where is Tex told to drive?

3. Which of the following words best describes how Tex feels once he finds out how where Mason is really going?

4. What did Tex's mother die from?

5. Why does Tex increase his speed?

(see the answer keys)

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