Term Limits Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Vince Flynn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Term Limits Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Vince Flynn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 26-27.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is guarding Congressman Burt Turnquist when the assassins kill him?
(a) Private security.
(b) U.S. Marshals.
(c) Secret Service Agents.
(d) Military Police.

2. What does Garret tell the National Security adviser he worries the deaths of Koslowski and Basset will do?
(a) Prevent the President's re-election.
(b) Send the country into mass hysteria.
(c) Force the President into hiding.
(d) Deadlock the Senate and House.

3. Michael O'Rourke wants to speak with Olson before the senator leaves for what event?
(a) Legislative vote.
(b) White House conference.
(c) Camp David summit.
(d) News conference.

4. What reason is McMahon given for the President still being alive?
(a) The assassins do not wish to harm those in an adjacent public area.
(b) The assassins do not want to kill those with him.
(c) The assassins wish to negotiate with him.
(d) The assassins wish to give him one more chance.

5. Scott Coleman is afraid to use any of his contacts for information about Turnquist's death since doing so might do what?
(a) Jeopardize the contacts.
(b) Prompt more killings.
(c) Draw unwanted attention.
(d) Expose the assassins.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Nance is alone with Higgins, he tells Arthur that Warch knows that they blackmailed which legislator?

2. FBI Special Agent Skip McMahon is responsible for investigating the three political killings and is impressed by what?

3. What does the President's Chief of Staff do at the close of Chapter 4?

4. At the end of Chapter 16, the President and Garret are confident that the new coalition between the two parties will help Stevens secure a second term, and Nance does what?

5. After viewing the bodies at the Turnquist crime scene, Dr. Kennedy and General Heaney believe the killers are what?

(see the answer key)

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