Ten Little Indians Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ten Little Indians Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "Can I Get a Witness?".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "The Search Engine," what is the title of Harlan Atwater's poetry book?
(a) Soul Sonnets.
(b) Indian Heart Songs.
(c) In the Reservation of My Mind.
(d) Drumbeats.

2. Which of the following statements does not describe Richard's job experiences?
(a) He worked for the first Chinese American governor in the US.
(b) He manages the Native Voices Now voter registration drive.
(c) He edited a Seattle newspaper.
(d) He interned for the first African American mayor of Seattle.

3. When Bill keeps protesting every basket Richard makes, what do the other lawyers suggest?
(a) That Richard challenge Bill.
(b) That Bill and Richard both leave the game.
(c) That Bill be asked to leave the game.
(d) That Richard go home.

4. How does the woman feel about her children in "Can I Get a Witness?"
(a) She never wanted children.
(b) She hates them.
(c) She loves them.
(d) She wants more children.

5. Who settles a lawsuit out of court in "Lawyer's League"?
(a) Richard and Theresa.
(b) Richard and Bill.
(c) Bill and Steve.
(d) Richard and Steve.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the woman who is the main character of "Can I Get a Witness?" doing at the beginning of the story?

2. How do Corliss's father and uncles feel about poetry?

3. When Corliss searches for information about Harlan Atwater, what does she find out when she e-mails other Indian writers and poets?

4. Which of the following statements does not describe the bomber in "Can I Get a Witness?"

5. When Corliss searches for information about Harlan Atwater, what does she find out from the Spokane Indian tribe?

(see the answer key)

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