The Teahouse of the August Moon Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Teahouse of the August Moon Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first industry that Fisby sets up for the village?

2. Whom is Col. Purdy sending to check up on Fisby?

3. Col. Purdy comes out to see Fisby off and cannot believe what he sees. As he begins to complain, what happens?

4. Whom does Fisby call to try to unload Lotus Blossom?

5. Why does the traveler need so many packages?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why will the mayor of Tobiki "lose face" if his grandmother does not arrive? What do you think "lose face" means in this story?

2. How does Sakini explain what a Geisha does? Does this information change Fisby's mind?

3. The poles surrounding the wresting pen have different colored cloth on each of them. What do the colors symbolize? What does this tell us about the culture of the villagers?

4. What is the daughter going on the trip for? What must she bring along? How does this complicate the trip?

5. What is Miss Higa Jiga's complaint about Lotus Blossom? How does she want to overcome this issue? How does this idea fit in with Fisby's American thought process?

6. What are the villagers going to do with all the money they make selling their brandy? Why is it important to wear white coats? What is the white coat a symbol of for the people of Okinawa?

7. When Col. Purdy arrives unannounced in Tobiki, why does Fisby cover his legs? What do you think goes through Fisby's mind at that moment?

8. After the arrival of Col. Purdy and the smashing of all the stills and closing the teahouse, what does Sakini want to do? Why do you think Fisby does not want to go along with Sakini's plan?

9. How does Fisby create industry? What is he trying to do for the villagers?

10. When Fisby offers Capt. McLean tsukemomo, McLean declines saying he just ate something. What? What is important about what Capt. McLean just ate? How does this outline the conflict between McLean and Fisby?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Describe how Fisby sees Okinawan women. From this description, do you get the sense that he would be disappointed if Lotus Blossom were to move to America? How does Fisby think moving to America would affect Lotus Blossom? Is his choice in not marrying her for her sake or his or both?

Essay Topic 2

What is the government's concept of education regarding a pentagon-shaped school? What is the importance of the shape and how does education theory stem from the physical building?

Essay Topic 3

How is the chrysanthemum a symbol throughout the play? What different meanings does it have as the play evolves? Describe the difference between the bud and a chrysanthemum in full bloom. Do you think Fisby ever understands the significance of the flower as the villagers do?

(see the answer keys)

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