A Taste of Honey Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Taste of Honey Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are some of the names Peter calls Geof?
(a) Sam, Harry, and George.
(b) Silly, dumb, and ugly.
(c) Poor, thin, and dirty.
(d) Jezebel, Mary, and Cuddles.

2. What was Jo's boyfriend's name?
(a) Sam.
(b) Jimmie.
(c) Bartholomew.
(d) Prince Richard.

3. What classical Greek figure is in the joke Peter tells Geof?
(a) Euripides.
(b) Oedipus.
(c) Zeus.
(d) Iphegenia.

4. Where does Jo plan to have the baby?
(a) She plans to have the baby in the apartment.
(b) She plans to have the baby in a birthing center.
(c) She plans to have the baby in the hospital.
(d) She plans to have the baby in the forest.

5. Why has Geof stayed with Jo?
(a) He is deeply attracted to her.
(b) He is in hiding.
(c) He feels he needs to take care of her.
(d) He is being forced to stay by Jo.

6. For the first time in her life, how does Jo feel?
(a) She feels she can take care of herself, Helen, Geof, the baby, and the whole world.
(b) She feels extremely anxious and cannot even look out the window.
(c) She feels truly ill and may die.
(d) She feels like getting on a sailboat.

7. To what classic novel does Jo compare the book she is reading?
(a) Sense and Sensibility.
(b) Oliver Twist.
(c) Little Women.
(d) Hard Times.

8. Who does Jo wish were there with them, though Geof reminds her they do not get along?
(a) Jimmie.
(b) Helen.
(c) The landlady.
(d) Peter.

9. How does Helen describe the way Jo and Geof have been living?
(a) They are living like pigs in a pigsty.
(b) They are living like peas in a pod.
(c) They are looking gift horses in the mouth.
(d) They are living in sin.

10. What has Helen brought Jo?
(a) A crib.
(b) Job listings.
(c) A dog.
(d) Money.

11. Why does Geof say his landlady has kicked him out?
(a) She did not like his art.
(b) He was behind on the rent.
(c) She did not like the way he decorated the place.
(d) He stole money from her.

12. To what does Helen compare Jo's physical condition?
(a) A ghost warmed up.
(b) A sickly child.
(c) A starving princess.
(d) A pale horse.

13. What major piece of information about the baby does Jo finally share with Helen?
(a) The baby is Geof's.
(b) The baby may be black.
(c) The baby may be premature.
(d) The baby is fake and she has been pretending.

14. Does Jo think Helen will send her anything?
(a) Yes, she thinks Helen will send her candy.
(b) No, she thinks Helen will forget.
(c) No, she thinks Helen will bring it in person.
(d) Yes, she thinks Helen will send her money.

15. Where did Helen used to go as a child?
(a) Shining Clough.
(b) Blarney.
(c) Stonehenge.
(d) Strawberry Hill.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Peter keep singing?

2. Who unexpectedly enters after Jo lies down?

3. What does Helen offer Jo before she and Peter leave?

4. What does Geof, in his parting words, say is the one thing civilization can't do anything about?

5. What does Geof ask Jo?

(see the answer keys)

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