Tartuffe Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tartuffe Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Elmire try and talk Damis out of doing in Act 3?
(a) Killing Tartuffe.
(b) Framing Tartuffe.
(c) Kicking Tartuffe out of the house.
(d) Telling Orgon about Tartuffe's advances on her.

2. Who does Orgon say will be his only legal heir at the end of Act 3?
(a) Damis.
(b) Cleante.
(c) Dorine.
(d) Tartuffe.

3. What does Tartuffe tell Cleante would be "a huge scandal"?
(a) If he refused to marry Mariane.
(b) If he left Orgon's house.
(c) If he married Mariane.
(d) If he married Elmire.

4. What does Cleante ask Tartuffe to help him with at the beginning of Act 4?
(a) Joining Mariane and Valere.
(b) Mending Orgon and Damis' relationship.
(c) Fixing Orgon's finances.
(d) Talking to Elmire about a problem.

5. What words does Tartuffe use to describe himself to Orgon after being confronted by him in Act 3?
(a) Sorry and pitiful.
(b) Regretful and worried.
(c) Wicked and culpable.
(d) Ashamed and sad.

6. Finish the sentence: "And should we always respond to small slips with fire in our eyes and abuse on our ___."
(a) Hearts.
(b) Hips.
(c) Minds.
(d) Lips.

7. Finish the sentence: "I am cutting you off and what is worse I am leaving you with my heart-felt _______."
(a) Purse.
(b) Hearse.
(c) Curse.
(d) Nurse.

8. What does Damis tell Dorine he wants to do when Tartuffe and Elmire speak privately in Act 3?
(a) Go outside.
(b) Hide in the room.
(c) Stop them.
(d) Listen at the door.

9. Why does Elmire begin coughing during her encounter with Tartuffe in Act 4?
(a) She wants more water.
(b) Because she is sick.
(c) She wants Tartuffe to leave.
(d) To get Orgon's attention.

10. Where does Tartuffe place his hand on Elmire that causes her to become alarmed during their private conversation in Act 3?
(a) Her neck.
(b) Her arm.
(c) Her knee.
(d) Her hand.

11. What does Elmire say "aids in our misdirection" when planning her scheme against Tartuffe with Dorine in Act 4?
(a) Idle minds.
(b) Vanity.
(c) Boastfulness.
(d) Hypocrisy.

12. What does Mariane do towards Orgon just before begging him to not make her marry Tartuffe?
(a) Hugs him.
(b) Runs away.
(c) Cries.
(d) Kneels.

13. Who is the first person Orgon speaks with after hearing of Tartuffe's advances on Elmire?
(a) Elmire.
(b) Dorine.
(c) Tartuffe.
(d) Damis.

14. Who does Orgon call a traitor near the end of Act 3?
(a) Damis.
(b) Elmire.
(c) Tartuffe.
(d) Dorine.

15. Finish the sentence: "Let's quickly put it all in writing, and let their envy choke on its own _______."
(a) Spiting.
(b) Creation.
(c) Terms.
(d) Might.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Tartuffe react when Elmire first begins telling him of her passion for him during their private conversation in Act 4?

2. What does Dorine tell Tartuffe she believes is "out of fashion" in Act 3?

3. Where does Damis hide when Elmire and Tartuffe speak privately in Act 3?

4. What type of candy does Tartuffe offer Elmire during their encounter in Act 4?

5. What does Mariane offer for Orgon to give to Tartuffe if she will not have to marry him?

(see the answer keys)

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