Tangerine Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tangerine Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Victor tell Paul about Paul's action during the game?

2. At first, who does everyone think should type up their project?

3. What does the referee fail to do in the game on September 22?

4. What does Paul take with him for the office when he starts school at Tangerine?

5. Why is Tino out of school?

Short Essay Questions

1. What worries Paul about his seventh period teacher and what does he vow to do about it?

2. What do Tino and Theresa say about a possible subject for the group project?

3. What does Joey tell Paul about the incident when his brother was killed?

4. How does Theresa treat Paul at first and what does Paul learn from her about her brother?

5. When and why do Arthur and Erik make fun of Joey?

6. What happens with Erik at the first football game with Lake Windsor?

7. What do Paul and Joey see about a few houses in the neighborhood when they come home from school?

8. How did the subdivision try to take care of the muck problem and what resulted from that effort?

9. Where does Paul go on Saturday, November 4, and what does he do there?

10. How is Paul partly responsible for winning the game against Lake Windsor?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

1. What is foreshadowing? How many incidences of foreshadowing are in Tangerine? How does foreshadowing contribute to a book's suspense?

2. Discuss an example of foreshadowing in Tangerine, including why you believe it is foreshadowing. Include examples from the book and your own life to illustrate your answer.

3. How do you think most people react to uncertainty in their lives? Use examples from Tangerine and your own live to support your opinion.

Essay Topic 2

Oftentimes, a book has more of a character-driven plot rather than action driven, and sometimes it is the other way. Some books seem to balance the two. Discuss the following:

1. What do you think it means to say that a plot is character driven? Action driven?

2. How do you think a plot differs if it is character driven versus action driven?

3. Which type of plot do you find more interesting? Why?

4. Do you think it is possible to have a plot where action and character development share equal time? Why or why not.

5. What type of plot do you think Tangerine has? Explain your response.

Essay Topic 3

Many novels, and perhaps a majority, of novels ends on a happy note. Discuss the following:

1. Why do you think many (most?) people want what they perceive as a happy or good ending to a novel? Explain your opinion. Do you? Why or why not?

2. What are three reasons to read fiction? Discuss each one in light of Tangerine and whether or not it fulfills all three, two or one of the reasons you mention. Give examples as to why Tangerine is or is not successful in fulfilling the reasons you discuss.

3. Do you think reading solely for entertainment is as good a reason to read as any other? Why or why not? Can any work of fiction or non-fiction, no matter how poorly written, enlighten, teach, stimulate thought? Why or why not?

(see the answer keys)

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