Tambourines to Glory Test | Final Test - Easy

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Tambourines to Glory Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For what is Buddy hungry?
(a) Collard greens, Southern style.
(b) A plate of Southern fried chicken.
(c) A rare steak.
(d) A tuna sandwich.

2. What does Laura do when she comes into the jail and is locked up?
(a) She does not say a word.
(b) She says she is innocent, but so is Essie.
(c) She apologizes, confesses to killing Buddy, and asks for forgiveness.
(d) She screams "Murderer" at Essie.

3. What has Birdie Lee done?
(a) Paid a private investigator to find out the truth about Buddy.
(b) Birdie Lee has come to see Essie, and has brought a lawyer.
(c) Gotten the entire congregation to picket the jail.
(d) Sworn on the Bible that she is telling the truth.

4. What does Laura give Buddy for his birthday?
(a) A Cadillac.
(b) A Buick.
(c) A custom suit.
(d) A Studebaker.

5. What does CJ want?
(a) To become a preacher.
(b) To date other women.
(c) To make love to Marietta.
(d) To marry Marietta.

6. What happens when Buddy speaks crudely about how young the "bitch" is?
(a) Laura tells Buddy to leave the church and never return.
(b) Laura becomes very calm.
(c) Laura starts crying.
(d) Laura screams curse words at Buddy.

7. What is Marietta's response?
(a) She thinks it's a good idea to date others.
(b) She would love him to become a preacher.
(c) She wants to marry.
(d) She is a nice girl with morals.

8. How does Buddy threaten Laura?
(a) By telling her if she wants to keep him around she's got to put more money into him.
(b) That he is marrying the young woman if Laura does not give him 1000 dollars.
(c) By threatening to clue the cops in on the gambling operation.
(d) That he will leave her if she keeps trying to suffocate him.

9. While Buddy is kissing her, what does Laura do?
(a) Stabs him in the back.
(b) Cries.
(c) Bites his lip.
(d) Kicks him in the groin.

10. Who is the woman that Laura calls a "bitch"?
(a) A new girl up from Georgia.
(b) A talented singer whom Marty is bankrolling in the belief that she'll have a great career.
(c) The daughter of a former friend of Laura's.
(d) A friend of Marietta's.

11. Why does Laura threaten Buddy?
(a) Because she thinks he plans to let Marty take over the church.
(b) Because he borrowed some money from her and has not paid it back.
(c) Because she doesn't want him to hurt Marietta.
(d) Because she is jealous that he is trying to seduce Marietta.

12. When Buddy comes in, what does he say about Marty?
(a) That Marty wants a bigger take.
(b) That Marty has gotten religion.
(c) That Marty has been murdered.
(d) How happy Marty is that business with the Lucky Texts is making so much money.

13. What do Laura and Buddy believe about Essie?
(a) That she actually believes what Laura preaches.
(b) That she is keeping others from buying the holy water.
(c) That she is embezzling money from the church.
(d) That she is becoming too holy.

14. What rumor is going around about Buddy?
(a) That he is dating another woman.
(b) That he is dying.
(c) That he is in cahoots with the police.
(d) That he is in jail for rape.

15. Who do the police arrest?
(a) Laura.
(b) Essie.
(c) A man hiding behind the garbage dump outside.
(d) CJ.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the visitor tell Essie?

2. Who does Laura accuse of killing Buddy?

3. How does Laura feel towards Essie?

4. What sustains Essie in the jail cell?

5. Who isn't around as much as he used to be?

(see the answer keys)

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