Talking God Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Talking God Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one thing a brief newspaper article says about Elogio Santillanes y Jimenez?
(a) He is an exiled communist leader from Chile.
(b) He is a diplomat of the Spanish government.
(c) He is an exiled musician from Costa Rica.
(d) He is an exiled communist leader from Ecuador.

2. Where do Chee and Janet go on the Metro?
(a) Highhawk's home.
(b) The Smithsonian.
(c) Janet's office.
(d) Janet's apartment.

3. What interests Captain Parker about the incident at the museum when Highhawk disappears?
(a) The security guard was not at her station.
(b) The alarm system did not go off.
(c) The sprinkler system went off.
(d) There was nothing stolen at the museum.

4. What is under Highhawk's body?
(a) The Yeibichai mask.
(b) A note.
(c) A Rain God fetish.
(d) Nothing.

5. About what do Chee and Leaphorn disagree?
(a) If Chee should date Janet Pete.
(b) About whether or not Highhawk was insane.
(c) About the bones of Navajo people.
(d) If Leaphorn should tell the press that the FBI did not identify the desert corpse.

6. What shocks Chee near the museum entrance?
(a) Seeing Joe Leaphorn.
(b) Seeing Janet with her arms around another Native American.
(c) Seeing a homeless man sleeping near the Washington monument.
(d) Seeing an elderly woman fall and people just walking around her.

7. What does the Amtrak conductor find when he looks in the roomette?
(a) A note addressed to the conductor.
(b) A strange man.
(c) A note addressed to the police.
(d) No one.

8. For whom does Elkins work?
(a) A Chicago law firm.
(b) A Washington, D. C. law firm.
(c) A San Francisco law firm.
(d) A New York City law firm.

9. Who does Leaphorn want to question?
(a) Highhawk.
(b) Perry.
(c) Janet Pete.
(d) Gomez.

10. To where is the client trailed?
(a) The Metro.
(b) The Washington Monument.
(c) The Smithsonian.
(d) The embassy.

11. Who comes and talks to Leaphorn at his hotel room?
(a) Two CIA agents.
(b) Two FBI agents.
(c) Two Washington, D. C. police detectives.
(d) Two Homeland Security agents.

12. Who tracked Highhawk down?
(a) Gomez.
(b) Fleck.
(c) McDermott.
(d) No one knows.

13. Whose body was discovered under some bushes?
(a) No one.
(b) Highhawk.
(c) Yoakum.
(d) Fleck.

14. How is Highhawk killed?
(a) Gunshot to the head.
(b) His head is bashed in with a heavy object.
(c) His throat is slit.
(d) Knife wound through the heart.

15. Who goes with Leaphorn to Union Station?
(a) Roland Dockery.
(b) Janet Pete.
(c) Jim Chee.
(d) Henry Highhawk.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who had collected the Indian skeletons that the Smithsonian has in its possession?

2. In what State penitentiary does Fleck do time?

3. What does Highhawk invite Chee to admire?

4. What does Fleck call the nursing home director?

5. Who does Chee discuss with Leaphorn?

(see the answer keys)

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