Talking God Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Talking God Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does not want to live on the Navajo Reservation?
(a) Henry Highhawk.
(b) Jim Chee.
(c) Mary Langdon.
(d) Agnes Tsosie.

2. What does the doctor suggest to Anges Tsosie?
(a) To remain in the hospital.
(b) To go tell her daughters the good news.
(c) Nothing.
(d) To do something relaxing such as taking a cruise.

3. About what does Perry believe the Chilean embassy is calling?
(a) Some bones of ancient South American aboriginals.
(b) The work that Highhawk is doing.
(c) A jeweled mask.
(d) A jeweled scepter.

4. What is found near some train tracks in the desert?
(a) A bomb.
(b) A body.
(c) Some coyote pelts.
(d) Some wolf pelts.

5. Why does Leaphorn decide to go to Washington, D. C.?
(a) To visit his brother-in-law.
(b) To search the dead man's luggage.
(c) To visit his aunt.
(d) To meet Catherine Perry.

6. What are the dancers doing that Chee is watching?
(a) Preparing for the Night Chant Ceremony.
(b) Performing a tribal wedding dance.
(c) Practicing for a tourist show.
(d) Dancing for rain.

7. What is high quality but worn?
(a) A modern Navajo blanket made on factory looms.
(b) The Navajo jewelry Leaphorn finds.
(c) An ancient Navajo woven blanket.
(d) The corpse's clothing.

8. What passes Leaphorn as he stands in the dark?
(a) An Amtrak train.
(b) An 18 wheeler.
(c) A bear.
(d) A deer.

9. What does Janet Pete tell Chee?
(a) That Highhawk and Gomez are planning a serious crime.
(b) That the Nez Pez pow wow has been rescheduled.
(c) That Mary Langdon has been arrested.
(d) That Chee's uncle left Chee his pipe.

10. What is the opposition to what one of McDermott's clients want to do?
(a) There is little opposition.
(b) The tribal counsel has voted down having a toxic waste dump on their lands.
(c) Younger tribal members are not interested in a technical college.
(d) Older tribal members do not want to sell their land.

11. What is Leaphorn mulling over in a more pleasurable vein?
(a) If his daughter has arrived for her visit yet.
(b) Where to go for his vacation.
(c) If he wants to follow up on a woman's flirtation when he was at the Navajo Reservation.
(d) If he wants to go out for a steak dinner that night.

12. What does one of McDermott's clients want to do?
(a) Gain influence with the Navajo tribal counsel through Janet Pete.
(b) Build a technical university on Navajo Land for the young Native Americans.
(c) Build a bypass on Tano Pueblo land.
(d) Create a hazardous waste dump on Tano Pueblo lands.

13. Who has been stalked by a mysterious person?
(a) Mary Langdon.
(b) Janet Pete.
(c) Jim Chee.
(d) Catherine Perry.

14. Where does Leaphorn go to search Madrid-Perez's luggage?
(a) The Washington Police Department Headquarters.
(b) Madrid-Perez's home.
(c) The FBI office.
(d) The Amtrak office.

15. What does Chee ponder after reading the letter he receives?
(a) What do to on his vacation.
(b) Why Catherine Perry wants to meet with him.
(c) What his uncle may have left him in his will.
(d) Why his girlfriend charges an expensive necklace on his card.

Short Answer Questions

1. From whom does Leaphorn receive a phone call?

2. At what hospital is Agnes Tsosie?

3. Who is Henry Highhawk?

4. What is Leaphorn asked to search?

5. What does Tamana want of the Smithsonian?

(see the answer keys)

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