Tai-Pan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tai-Pan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Robb say Dirk and Brock's hatred will do to them in the end?
(a) Leave one and kill the other.
(b) Destroy them.
(c) Bring them closer.
(d) Make them stronger.

2. Who halts all trade between the Chinese and the foreigners?
(a) The British government.
(b) Longstaff.
(c) The Chinese emperor.
(d) Dirk.

3. Who is Wu Kwok's father?
(a) Wu Fang Choi.
(b) Jin-qua.
(c) Ti-sen.
(d) Dirk.

4. What ship did Dirk and Brock both work on as teenagers?
(a) The White Witch.
(b) The China Cloud.
(c) The Resting Cloud.
(d) The Vagrant Star.

5. When does Dirk leave May-may's room on the night of the ball?
(a) After she falls asleep.
(b) He does not leave that night.
(c) When she orders him out.
(d) While she is still crying.

6. In Chapter 13, what does Liza tell Brock is her reason for sailing to Macao?
(a) To arrange a marriage for Tess.
(b) To order gowns for the ball.
(c) To purchase furniture.
(d) To take another ship back to England.

7. When Dirk returns home after the ball, who is waiting for him in his living room?
(a) May-may.
(b) Jin-qua.
(c) Culum.
(d) The bishop.

8. If Dirk can get a monopoly in Russia, what does he believe he will be able to do?
(a) Take over Brock's company.
(b) Ignore convention and marry May-may.
(c) Murder Brock with no consequence.
(d) Marry Mary Sinclair.

9. What is Alexi Zergeyev's title?
(a) Viceroy.
(b) Archduke.
(c) Governor.
(d) Emperor.

10. Who orchestrates the run on Dirk's bank?
(a) Tyler Brock.
(b) Morgan Brock.
(c) May-may.
(d) Culum.

11. Whom do Brock and Dirk discuss as a possible husband for Tess?
(a) Dirk.
(b) Culum.
(c) Cooper.
(d) Mauss.

12. According to Robb, what must arrive in London to keep him and Dirk out of financial trouble?
(a) The cinchon bark.
(b) A load of tea.
(c) The Blue Cloud.
(d) The Russian documents.

13. In Chapter 1, who takes possession of Hong Kong?
(a) The Chinese.
(b) The Germans.
(c) The British.
(d) The Russians.

14. On what does the feng shui expert say Dirk's house is built?
(a) A lion's tail.
(b) A dragon's eyeball.
(c) A dragon's claw.
(d) A bear's back.

15. Which European woman is pregnant with a Chinese child?
(a) Shevaun.
(b) Mary Sinclair.
(c) Tess Brock.
(d) Liza Brock.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Ti-sen wearing when he is brought into the square?

2. Who writes a letter that angers Ti-sen?

3. With whom does May-may want Dirk to consult about the house he is building?

4. Where do the British plan to attack in Chapter 27?

5. Who does May-may send to Macao when the epidemic begins?

(see the answer keys)

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