The Sweet Hereafter Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sweet Hereafter Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the beauty queen who survived the bus crash?
(a) Caleigh Struthers
(b) Nichole Burnell
(c) Maddie Williams
(d) Whitney Marker

2. In what way does Nichole think her life will be better in a wheelchair?
(a) She can get special attention at restaurants
(b) Her Daddy will leave her alone
(c) She can get lots of pity from people
(d) She doesn't have to go out if she doesn't want to

3. How did Nichole get up the courthouse steps?
(a) A special stair lift
(b) She used crutches
(c) Her Daddy carried her
(d) An elevator

4. According to Mitchell, ____________________ is always more valuable than a dead victim in front of a jury.
(a) Police photography
(b) An eye witness
(c) A coroner's report
(d) A living victim

5. How does Nichole feel about Mitchell Stephens?
(a) She thinks he is an ambulance chaser
(b) She likes him
(c) She cannot stand him
(d) She tolerates him

6. Who tells Mitchell about the man for whom the town is named?
(a) Billy
(b) Sam
(c) Risa
(d) Dolores

7. What was Mr. Stephens' reaction to Nichole's statement?
(a) He pressured Nichole for the truth
(b) He required Nichole to repeat her statement
(c) He yelled at Nichole for lying
(d) He had no further questions for her

8. What happens when Mitchell leaves his daughter at various places?
(a) She completes her treatment
(b) She sets fires
(c) She steals
(d) She escapes

9. How fast did Nichole say the bus was going?
(a) 55 mph
(b) 72 mph
(c) 82 mph
(d) 65 mph

10. Why do people tell Nichole Burnell that she is lucky?
(a) She can't remember the accident
(b) She has great hair
(c) She is rich
(d) She has a new car

11. Why do people in town really like Dolores Driscoll?
(a) She is a single mother with six kids
(b) She volunteers at the church every day
(c) She is the mayor's wife
(d) She works hard and cares for an invalid husband

12. Mitchell knows that he is not ____________________.
(a) A saint
(b) A martyr
(c) A superstar
(d) A cowboy in a white hat

13. What does Nichole say she took note of on the bus dashboard?
(a) The heater control panel
(b) The gas gauge
(c) The speedometer
(d) The windshield wiper switch

14. What is the name of Mitchell's ex-wife?
(a) Sara
(b) Miranda
(c) Klara
(d) Kat

15. To what do the Walkers agree?
(a) To build a new house
(b) To have another child
(c) To legally separate
(d) Let Mitchell represent them in a lawsuit

Short Answer Questions

1. From whose perspective is Chapter 3 written?

2. What does Mitchell always send his daughter when she calls?

3. Why does Mitchell Stephens want to put Bobby Ansel on the witness stand?

4. What does Mitchell think makes him a good attorney?

5. Who was in Nichole's lap on the bus that fateful morning?

(see the answer keys)

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