The Sweet Hereafter Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sweet Hereafter Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Mitchell visit with and determine will be strong for his case?
(a) Maddie Walker
(b) Wanda Oakes
(c) Risa Walker
(d) Wanda Otto

2. What first strikes Mitchell when he sees the town of Sam Dent?
(a) Its lack of restaurants
(b) Its beauty
(c) Its inaccessibility
(d) Its small size

3. Which of the following is not a place Mitchell has left his daughter?
(a) Rehab Center
(b) Relatives
(c) College
(d) Hospital

4. What is the reaction of Nichole's brothers when they see her in a wheelchair?
(a) No reaction
(b) Awkward
(c) Rude
(d) Pity

5. What does Mitchell always send his daughter when she calls?
(a) Debit card
(b) Money
(c) Plane ticket
(d) Bus fare

6. What surprises Nichole when she returns home from the hospital?
(a) A wheelchair ramp
(b) The house is a different color
(c) A room addition
(d) A new car in the drive

7. Which of the following does not drive Mitchell in his purpose in Sam Dent?
(a) Publicity
(b) Legal settlements
(c) Emotional support for grieving people
(d) Holding guilty party accountable

8. Nichole testifies that she was ______________ before the accident.
(a) Apprehensive
(b) Sad
(c) Scared
(d) Happy

9. According to Nichole, what did Dolores do when it started to snow?
(a) Turned on the wipers
(b) Swerved across the center line
(c) Turned around to take the kids home
(d) Pulled to the side of the road

10. Where does Mitchell decide to stay during his time in Sam Dent?
(a) The Walkers' hotel
(b) Marriott
(c) Holiday Inn
(d) Four Seasons

11. Who does Nichole want to impact the most with her plan?
(a) The parents of the dead kids
(b) Her Daddy
(c) Mr. Stephens
(d) Her Mother

12. What does Mitchell think makes him a good attorney?
(a) Sense of humor
(b) Intuition
(c) Anger
(d) Education

13. Which of the following is not found in Nichole's new bedroom?
(a) New cheerleading uniform
(b) New bed
(c) New computer
(d) New curtains

14. Why do people in town really like Dolores Driscoll?
(a) She is a single mother with six kids
(b) She is the mayor's wife
(c) She works hard and cares for an invalid husband
(d) She volunteers at the church every day

15. What room has been converted into Nichole's new bedroom?
(a) The back porch
(b) The sun porch
(c) The den
(d) The family room

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following did Nichole not attribute to her life before the accident?

2. Which of the following is not an organization Mitchell may decide to sue?

3. Who tells Mitchell about the man for whom the town is named?

4. In what way does Nichole think her life will be better in a wheelchair?

5. What does Nichole say she took note of on the bus dashboard?

(see the answer keys)

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