Surfacing Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Surfacing Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 22.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who arrives on the island at the start of the chapter?
(a) Paul and the narrator's father.
(b) Paul and his wife.
(c) Paul and Evans.
(d) Paul and Bill Malmstrom.

2. At the end of the chapter the narrator decides
(a) Her father must have been killed by the Americans.
(b) She will burn her father's drawings and leave him in peace on the island.
(c) She will find her father no matter what it costs her.
(d) She will take her father's drawings to the police.

3. What question does the narrator recall asking her husband on their wedding day?
(a) Do you feel better?
(b) Why can't we just go on like before?
(c) Why are you doing this to me?
(d) Aren't I good enough for you?

4. What is suggested by the fact that the narrator describes Anna as her best woman friend, though they've know each other only two months?
(a) The narrator and Anna have many things in common.
(b) The narrator does not like people.
(c) The narrator does not have many female friends.
(d) The narrator and Anna have actually known each other much longer.

5. What does the narrator's mother tell her when she asks where dead people go?
(a) She says she does not know.
(b) She says he would go to the graveyard.
(c) She says he would still be there in spirit.
(d) She says he would go to heaven.

Short Answer Questions

1. The others agree to wait at the motel because

2. The repetition of the word "echoes" in the last paragraph suggests

3. The narrator believes she is a successful children's book illustrator because

4. The narrator thinks she cannot communicate with Joe because

5. What is the narrator afraid will happen if she leaves her scrapbooks out around the others?

(see the answer key)

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