Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As a kid, what does Feynman observe under his microscope?
(a) Amoebae.
(b) Bacteria.
(c) Paramecia.
(d) Ants.

2. In high school Feynman changed the trigonometry ____________ because he didn't like the way they looked.
(a) Equations.
(b) Symbols.
(c) Answers.
(d) Textbooks.

3. What tools does Feynman need to pick a Yale lock?
(a) Pliers and hairpin.
(b) Screwdriver and pliers.
(c) Pliers and paperclip.
(d) Screwdriver and paperclip.

4. What doesn't Feynman like about working at his aunt's hotel?
(a) The boss.
(b) Tipping.
(c) Long hours.
(d) Smoking.

5. Why is Feynman deferred from the army again after the war?
(a) Medical reasons.
(b) He is working on the bomb.
(c) Physical limitations.
(d) He is teaching.

6. According to Feynman, all __________ stopped during the war.
(a) Happiness.
(b) Engineering.
(c) Productivity.
(d) Science.

7. What does Feynman's father tell him that the carnival mindreaders use?
(a) A code.
(b) Powers of observation.
(c) Magic.
(d) Hypnosis.

8. What is the name of the restaurant where Feynman strikes up a conversation with a painter?
(a) Lou's Diner.
(b) Ma's Place.
(c) Papa's Place.
(d) Ed's Diner.

9. What is the booth number for the psychiatrist during Feynman's army physical after the war?
(a) Five.
(b) Thirteen.
(c) Ten.
(d) One.

10. Where is the first place Feynman stays in Los Alamos?
(a) A laboratory.
(b) A hotel.
(c) A campground.
(d) An old school.

11. In what year was Richard P. Feynman born?
(a) 1922.
(b) 1929.
(c) 1912.
(d) 1918.

12. Where does Feynman spend a summer working for the army?
(a) Frankfort.
(b) Washington, DC.
(c) Philadelphia.
(d) New York City.

13. While at MIT, Feynman annoys waitresses by leaving his tip in ________________.
(a) Old gum under the table.
(b) Full soup bowls.
(c) The salt shaker.
(d) Upside down glasses full of water.

14. What does the hypnotist at Princeton get Feynman to do?
(a) Recite poetry.
(b) Light a match.
(c) Walk around the room.
(d) Cluck like a chicken.

15. During a one-year sabbatical, what does Feynman work on in a biology lab?
(a) RNA.
(b) Reproduction.
(c) Viruses.
(d) DNA.

Short Answer Questions

1. Feynman has a great reputation for what with the math students at MIT and Princeton?

2. What Brazilian city is Feynman stuck in for a few days before he can get to Rio?

3. What method does Feynman use to "trick" people at Princeton into thinking he could do fast math?

4. What is the name of the town where Feynman was born?

5. While working at his aunt's hotel, Feynman learned that _________ was a very difficult thing in the real world.

(see the answer keys)

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