Sunrise Over Fallujah Test | Final Test - Medium

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Sunrise Over Fallujah Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Major Sessions tells the CA unit about their next mission in the beginning of Chapter 11. Their mission is to help an Iraqi woman locate her lost son. How old is the boy?
(a) 10.
(b) 16.
(c) 12.
(d) 14.

2. The village that Perry, Jonesy, and their unit go to in Chapter 9 in order to make reparations for civilian deaths in an air raid is called what?
(a) Kazimayn.
(b) Al-Uhaimir.
(c) An Najaf.
(d) An Nasiriyah.

3. What is the name of the colonel from the 422nd that comes by and says a prayer with the “God Squad” for Pendleton in Chapter 13?
(a) Captain Miller.
(b) Corporal Evans.
(c) Colonel King.
(d) Captain Coles.

4. To which of the two main branches of Islam did Saddam Hussein belong, according to the narrator in Chapter 8?
(a) Sunni.
(b) Kurd.
(c) Shiite.
(d) Mawlaw'īyya.

5. Private Perry recalls having been stopped on what New York street and searched by plainclothes police in Chapter 10?
(a) Broadway.
(b) 12th Street.
(c) 136th Street.
(d) 111th Street.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the narrator in Chapter 11, “For every one of the coalition people that got killed, there were” how many dead Iraqis?

2. Jonesy points out in Chapter 11 that the “Euphrates River looks blue and the Tigris looks” what color?

3. Word has come down that Major Sessions was passed up for a promotion to what title in Chapter 11?

4. What name is given to the stuffed monkey that Corporal Rios received in the mail in Chapter 9?

5. Where does Private Perry describe his grandmother going to “drink tea from glasses instead of cups” when she was young in Chapter 9?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is the character of Jerry Egri described in Chapter 12?

2. What mission is the CA unit given in Chapter 14? Who will accompany them on the mission?

3. Who informs the CA unit that they are to remain in the Green Zone in Chapter 13?

4. Where does Jonesy tell Private Perry the team is setting out at night in Chapter 12?

5. Where does Perry’s team go next in the pursuit of their mission after Major Sessions returns to camp in Chapter 11?

6. What does Jonesy say he likes about Iraq in Chapter 8?

7. Whom do Perry’s team have tea with in Chapter 9? What do they learn from this character?

8. How does Private Perry come to rescue Captain Miller in Chapter 14?

9. What occurs as Private Perry and the others are returning to “The Bubble” after the tour in Chapter 8?

10. Where is Private Perry invited to go on a tour with Corporal Kennedy in Chapter 8?

(see the answer keys)

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