Sunrise Over Fallujah Test | Final Test - Easy

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Sunrise Over Fallujah Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the CA unit soldiers offer to Jamil to come with them as a translator at the Republican Hospital in Chapter 11?
(a) A $20 bill of American currency.
(b) 5 packs of American cigarettes.
(c) A gold ring.
(d) 5 American candy bars.

2. Major Sessions tells the CA unit about their next mission in the beginning of Chapter 11. Their mission is to help an Iraqi woman locate her lost son. How old is the boy?
(a) 12.
(b) 16.
(c) 14.
(d) 10.

3. What is the name of the Iraqi boy in Al-Uhaimir that sets up the soccer game between the American soldiers and the Iraqi children of the village in Chapter 12?
(a) Corbin.
(b) Halima.
(c) Omar.
(d) Lopez.

4. When does Corporal Marla Kennedy say her birthday is in Chapter 14?
(a) April 11.
(b) August 12.
(c) March 11.
(d) June 16.

5. The narrator says in Chapter 8, “The 3rd and 4th Marines had secured an area in downtown Baghdad they were calling” what?
(a) “The Bubble.”
(b) “The Blue Zone.”
(c) “The Black Zone.”
(d) “The White Zone.”

6. What magazine does Private Perry take out a subscription to in Chapter 13?
(a) Oprah Magazine.
(b) GQ Magazine.
(c) The Source.
(d) The New Yorker.

7. What song by Destiny’s Child does Jonesy begin singing as the unit heads out on their mission as escorts for the Special Ops guys in Chapter 10?
(a) "Birthday."
(b) “Survivor.”
(c) "Get on the Bus."
(d) "Illusions."

8. Where does Private Perry describe his grandmother going to “drink tea from glasses instead of cups” when she was young in Chapter 9?
(a) The Lower East Side, Manhattan.
(b) The Upper East Side, Manhattan.
(c) The Bronx, New York.
(d) The West Village, Manhattan.

9. Where did Jerry Egri live before he left for the military?
(a) Chicago, Illinois.
(b) Detroit, Michigan.
(c) Cleveland, Ohio.
(d) Little Rock, Arkansas.

10. What soldier from PSYOP is described in Chapter 12 as “A tall guy, he played poker wearing a cowboy hat and chewing on a skinny cigar that wiggled up and down when he talked”?
(a) Sergeant Harris.
(b) Lieutenant Colonel Petridus.
(c) Corporal Kennedy.
(d) Captain Coles.

11. Captain Coles says to Private Perry in Chapter 13 regarding the war, “It teaches you things, though. What it’s taught me is” what?
(a) “That my former regrets are meaningless, and life is worth living in the moment.”
(b) “That I value my life more than I thought I did. And that I wish I were home with my family.”
(c) “That I love my wife and family more than I knew, and a lot more than I ever told them.”
(d) “That I wish I’d followed my father’s advice and quit the military when I had a chance.”

12. The village that Perry, Jonesy, and their unit go to in Chapter 9 in order to make reparations for civilian deaths in an air raid is called what?
(a) An Nasiriyah.
(b) Al-Uhaimir.
(c) Kazimayn.
(d) An Najaf.

13. Lieutenant Davis says in Chapter 10, “These people here have been at war for the last twenty or so years. Before they invaded Kuwait they were fighting with” whom?
(a) “Turkey.”
(b) “Israel.”
(c) “Lebanon.”
(d) “Iran.”

14. Where does Corporal Kennedy describe growing up in Chapter 10?
(a) A nunnery.
(b) A foster home.
(c) A mental hospital.
(d) A wealthy estate.

15. When the CA unit is informed that they are not to leave the Green Zone in small numbers, Captain Coles goes to find out what happened at Corporal Kennedy’s request in Chapter 13. He returns with news that a marine unit found a bunch of civilians dead where?
(a) In a cemetery.
(b) In a mosque.
(c) In a garage.
(d) In a political hall.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much money does Private Perry lose in the poker game in Chapter 12?

2. According to the narrator in Chapter 11, “For every one of the coalition people that got killed, there were” how many dead Iraqis?

3. On what date does Major Sessions tell the hospital administrator that the Iraqi boy they are looking for disappeared in Chapter 11?

4. After unloading the shipment of gifts from the Free Will Baptist Church in Chapter 13, Perry says that they argued over whether what cured meat is pork or beef?

5. What is the term used in Chapter 8 to refer to the person who leads prayers in a mosque?

(see the answer keys)

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