The Sun Also Rises Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the bull fight critic say about Pedro Romero's performance in the ring when Jake is having a drink with them?

2. What item does Pedro Romero give to his sword-handler to bring to Brett who is sitting in the stands?

3. What is the name of the man who was gored through the back and killed during the bull run?

4. While on the bus, Bill and Jake have a conversation with an old man who says that he lived in America forty years ago. Why did he return to Spain?

5. What is it called when the bulls are let into the corral with the steers?

Short Essay Questions

1. Jake and Bill meet a Basque who lived in America forty years before. What parts of America had he visited and why did he return to Spain?

2. On the day the bull fights are to take place, Cohn tells Bill and Jake that he hopes he won't be bored at the bull fight. What is Bill's reaction to Cohn's comment?

3. Is Mike Campbell justified in comparing Robert Cohen to one of the steers?

4. Relate why Montoya, the hotel owner in Pamplona, smiles at Jake and asks if Bill is an aficionado?

5. What are Jake's thoughts as he lies in bed after the evening with Bill, Mike and Brett?

6. Bill calls Jake an expatriate. What does he mean by this?

7. How do the pictures on the walls of Jake's and Bill's hotel in Burguete add to the coldness of the room?

8. What does Cohn decide to do now that Brett is staying over in San Sebastian and what are Jake's feelings about it?

9. What are the feelings that Brett reveals to Jake about Pedro Romero?

10. What do Jake, Bill and the Basques do to pass the time on the bus to Burguete?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

1) Analyze Robert Cohn's obsession with Lady Brett Ashley.

2) How do his feelings for Brett affect his fiancée, Frances?

3) What kind of an impact does his obsession have on Mike Campbell, Jake Barnes, and Pedro Romero?

4) Is his obsession with Brett ever resolved in the novel?

Essay Topic 2

1) Evaluate the relationship between Mike Campbell and Brett Ashley.

2) Are they a good match?

3) How do they treat one another?

4) Is it an equal, strong partnership?

5) Do they accept one another for who they are?

Justify all answers.

Essay Topic 3

1) Interpret the feelings Jake and Brett have for each other.

2) Are their emotions authentic or shallow? Why?

3) Are they truthful with each other or secretive? Explain.

4) What regrets do they have at the end of the novel with regard to their relationship?

(see the answer keys)

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