The Sun Also Rises Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the financial status of Robert Cohn's parents who reside in New York?
(a) They are one of the richest Jewish, New York families.
(b) They are middle class working people.
(c) They are low income, struggling to survive.
(d) They are unemployed with a bleak future.

2. Jake meets Brett and Mike at the Dingo and Mike is a bit drunk. What does Mike ask Jake at the time?
(a) He asks if Jake is still in love with Brett.
(b) He asks if Cohn is in love with Brett.
(c) He asks if he and Brett can go to Pamplona with Jake and Bill.
(d) He asks if he said anything embarrassing the night before.

3. What is Brett's reaction when Jake kisses her in the taxi?
(a) She asks him to kiss her again.
(b) She pushes closer to Jake, putting her arms around him.
(c) She acts pleasantly surprised.
(d) She moves to the corner of the seat, far away from Jake and puts her head down.

4. What advice do people offer Jake about his war injury that he resents so much?
(a) They tell him he is lucky; it could have been worse.
(b) They tell him it is not important and he shouldn't worry about it.
(c) They tell him not to think about it.
(d) They say it is better than getting killed.

5. Jake, Bill and their traveling companions in the train compartment talk about fishing trips. What comment does the American wife make about men?
(a) She says that most men are self-disciplined and decent.
(b) She says that only a few men get drunk on a regular basis.
(c) She says that most men voted for prohibition.
(d) She implies that men get out of control if there is liquor around.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Jake react when Brett tells him she was in San Sebastian with Cohn?

2. Robert Cohn falls asleep in Jakes office and talks in his sleep. What does he say?

3. Robert Cohn is a Jewish man attending Princeton. How does this make him feel?

4. Where do Jake and Bill decide to go after eating at Madame Lecomte's?

5. What news does Frances Clyne reveal to Jake when she asks him to go with her to the Dome?

Short Essay Questions

1. Bill and Jake meet Mike Campbell and Brett at the café, Select. What is Mike's condition?

2. How does Jake justify saying nasty things about Brett to Robert Cohn?

3. Explain why Robert Cohn marries the first girl who is nice to him after he graduates from Princeton.

4. Can you predict what might happen to Robert Cohen by Jake's comment that Cohn never made a nasty remark to anyone until he fell in love with Brett?

5. Describe Jake's frame of mind the morning after he is so distraught over Brett's leaving with Count Mippipopolous.

6. Describe the condition of Jake's friend, Harvey Stone.

7. While dancing with Brett, Jake feels he is in a nightmare that he has had before and has to go through again. Why does he think this?

8. Jake feels sorry for Cohn because he is bored with his life, but why can't Jake help him?

9. How does Jake describe Cohn's first encounter with Lady Brett Ashley?

10. When Bill Gorton arrives in Paris to see Jake; he says that his trip to Vienna did not go so well. What was the problem with the trip?

(see the answer keys)

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