The Sun Also Rises Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Cohn's reaction when Mike starts toward him from around the table to start a fight over Brett?
(a) Cohn waits proudly and firmly for Mike to assault him. He wants to show he will fight for Brett.
(b) Cohn backs up a few steps, then turns and runs.
(c) Cohn hides behind Jake, asking him to stop Mike.
(d) Cohn mumbles something and leaves the hotel.

2. What does Brett say about Cohn after she tells him that she and Jake want to be alone?
(a) She says that she is leaving Mike for Cohn.
(b) She says that she is very fond of him and that it could lead to something more.
(c) She says that she is sick of him and he has behaved very badly.
(d) She says that she is going away with Cohn for good.

3. How does Mike compare Cohn to a steer?
(a) He says that Robert can be sacrificed like a steer.
(b) He says that Robert is aggressive just like a steer, chasing after Brett.
(c) He says that like a steer, Robert lives a quiet life, never has to say anything, and hangs around Brett where he is not wanted.
(d) He says that Robert is always trying to keep the peace like a steer.

4. What fortune does Brett give to Pedro Romero when she reads his palm?
(a) There are thousands of bulls in his life and he will live a long time.
(b) He will fall in love very soon.
(c) He will live a long life but give up bull fighting.
(d) She sees fear in his palm.

5. How do the spectators react when they feel they are cheated by Belmonte's bull fight?
(a) Refuse to applaud
(b) Turn their backs on him
(c) Yell insults and throw food
(d) Sit down in silence

6. What does Mike say to Brett after Cohn beats Pedro Romero?
(a) He tells her she should expect trouble if she associates with Jews and bull fighters.
(b) He asks her to go back to Paris with him.
(c) He tells her that he is sorry Romero got hurt.
(d) He says that Cohn is out of his mind.

7. What is the name of the bull fighter that Montoya introduces to Jake and Bill?
(a) Pedro Romero
(b) Pedro Iruna
(c) Jose Fermin
(d) Señor Gayarra

8. What is Cohn's response when Bill suggests that he not look at the horses when the bull gores them?
(a) Cohn tells Bill to mind his own business.
(b) Cohn says that he is only worried that he will be bored.
(c) Cohn is afraid he will not be able to look at the dying horses.
(d) Cohn is worried he might faint at the sight of the horse's blood.

9. What gifts does Wilson-Harris give to Jake and Bill when they leave for Pamplona?
(a) He gives each of them an envelope with flies for fishing.
(b) He gives them each a goatskin flask.
(c) He gives them each a new rod.
(d) He gives them each a bottle of wine.

10. How does Pedro Romero's bull fighting invoke emotion in the crowd?
(a) He uses many tricks to make it look like he is in danger.
(b) He corkscrews his body and leans away from the bull as it runs by.
(c) He loudly cheers each time the bull passes him.
(d) He keeps the purity of line in his movements, letting the bull's horns pass closely by him.

11. How does Jake feel after the fiesta and the bull fighting?
(a) Excited
(b) Indifferent
(c) Depressed
(d) Homesick

12. While on the bus, Bill and Jake have a conversation with an old man who says that he lived in America forty years ago. Why did he return to Spain?
(a) To get married
(b) To attend his mother's funeral
(c) He missed his homeland.
(d) He was broke.

13. Did Jake and Bill have any luck fishing after their long hike into the valley of the Rio de la Fabrica?
(a) Jake catches six trout but Bill has no luck.
(b) They don't get any bites all morning.
(c) Jake catches six trout and Bill catches four.
(d) They each catch one trout.

14. What will the spectators do on the morning of the first day of the bull fights?
(a) They will run down the street behind the bulls.
(b) They will run down the street with the bulls behind them.
(c) They will stay inside, not looking at the bulls until the fight.
(d) They will stay back behind the posts and let the bulls run past.

15. How does dinner with Brett, Mike, Cohn, and Bill remind Jake of dinners during the war?
(a) There is camaraderie between friends.
(b) There is wine, ignored tension, and foreboding of what is to come.
(c) There is a feeling that it will be their last dinner together.
(d) There are arguments, hurt feelings, and fear.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the reason Brett tells Jake she is a goner?

2. Bill and Jake sit down to eat lunch after fishing and have an amusing conversation about the different men they went to college with. Which men do they mention?

3. As Jake, Bill, and Cohen drive across the plain to Pamplona, what is their first view of the town?

4. When Romero says that he kills his friends, to whom is he referring?

5. What is Jake's philosophy that everything that is good has to be paid for?

(see the answer keys)

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