The Sun Also Rises Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the bull fighter that Montoya introduces to Jake and Bill?
(a) Pedro Iruna
(b) Jose Fermin
(c) Señor Gayarra
(d) Pedro Romero

2. What is the name of the religious festival celebrated on July 6?
(a) San Sombra
(b) San Riau
(c) San Fermin
(d) San Pamplona

3. What gifts does Wilson-Harris give to Jake and Bill when they leave for Pamplona?
(a) He gives them each a new rod.
(b) He gives them each a bottle of wine.
(c) He gives them each a goatskin flask.
(d) He gives each of them an envelope with flies for fishing.

4. What will the spectators do on the morning of the first day of the bull fights?
(a) They will stay back behind the posts and let the bulls run past.
(b) They will stay inside, not looking at the bulls until the fight.
(c) They will run down the street with the bulls behind them.
(d) They will run down the street behind the bulls.

5. Why do all the passengers sit on top of the bus before it leaves for Baguete?
(a) The inside of the bus is full of packages.
(b) It is too smelly inside the bus.
(c) To get a better view of the town
(d) It is such a hot day; they sit on top of the bus and fan themselves.

6. What is the term used for the hour after dinner when the pretty girls, officers from the garrison, and the fashionable people walk in the square of Pamplona and the cafes fill up?
(a) The sombra
(b) The fiesta
(c) The aficio
(d) The paseo

7. What did a Basque offer to Jake and Bill as they waited in the heat for the bus to leave for Burguete?
(a) Fruit from a wicker basket
(b) A drink from a big leather wine bag
(c) Goat's milk
(d) Raw meat wrapped in grape leaves

8. What is the description Jake gives of the town of Bayonne?
(a) A gloomy Spanish town with dark, unkempt streets
(b) A dirty Spanish town, cluttered with litter
(c) A smelly Spanish town with a rancid river running through it
(d) A nice Spanish town, very clean, on a large river

9. What part of the countryside did Jake's bus travel after stopping at the posada to drop off packages?
(a) Through rough, rocky plains
(b) Through farming country with rocky hills
(c) Through the crowded city streets
(d) Through a soot covered mill town

10. What is the cost for room and board at Jake's hotel in Burguete?
(a) Seven pesetas, but the wine is included
(b) Five pesetas, which Jake feels is reasonable
(c) Twelve pesetas, which Jake feels is too much
(d) Three pesetas, which is cheap

11. What is the reason Brett tells Jake she is a goner?
(a) She is still in love with Jake.
(b) She is hopelessly in love with Pedro Romero.
(c) She finds out she is very sick.
(d) She thinks she drinks too much.

12. Bill and Jake sit down to eat lunch after fishing and have an amusing conversation about the different men they went to college with. Which men do they mention?
(a) Bryan, Mencken, Frankie Fritsch, Bishop Manning, and Wayne Wheeler
(b) Henry James, Abraham Lincoln, Grant, and Keats
(c) Bishop Manning, Henry James, Fitzgerald, and Roosevelt
(d) Harris, Henry Ford, Roosevelt, and Wheeler

13. What is the condition of the countryside in the Basque country?
(a) Overdeveloped land with many roads and vehicles
(b) The land is very rich and green with houses in good, clean condition.
(c) Barren, forgettable countryside with small, dirty villages
(d) Dry, infertile land with small thatched huts scattered throughout

14. How do the spectators react when they feel they are cheated by Belmonte's bull fight?
(a) Sit down in silence
(b) Turn their backs on him
(c) Yell insults and throw food
(d) Refuse to applaud

15. How are the houses in Burguete arranged?
(a) Along both sides of the road and down side streets
(b) In city blocks
(c) Along both sides of the road with no side streets
(d) In a circle around the town

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Cohn start a fight with Jake at the Cafe Suizo and knock him out?

2. What is Cohn's response when Bill suggests that he not look at the horses when the bull gores them?

3. What does Bill tell Jake he should be the minute he gets up in the morning?

4. How long does the fiesta last?

5. What is Jake's philosophy that everything that is good has to be paid for?

(see the answer keys)

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