The Sun Also Rises Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one of the methods smugglers use to cross from France into Spain?
(a) They wade across the stream.
(b) They take boats down the stream.
(c) They wait for nightfall and sneak through the Spanish frontier.
(d) They try to convince other travelers to hide them in their vehicles.

2. How do Jake and Bill stay warm after they finish their evening meal?
(a) They sit in front of the fireplace.
(b) They go for a run through the town.
(c) They put on extra layers of clothing.
(d) They go to bed and read.

3. What does Bill tell Jake he should be the minute he gets up in the morning?
(a) Serious and ready to work
(b) Adamant and angry
(c) Comical and nonchalant
(d) Ironical and full of pity

4. Where did Brett's husband, Ashley, make her sleep?
(a) In a hotel room
(b) On the floor
(c) In the servant's quarters
(d) In the guest room

5. Bill and Jake sit down to eat lunch after fishing and have an amusing conversation about the different men they went to college with. Which men do they mention?
(a) Harris, Henry Ford, Roosevelt, and Wheeler
(b) Bishop Manning, Henry James, Fitzgerald, and Roosevelt
(c) Henry James, Abraham Lincoln, Grant, and Keats
(d) Bryan, Mencken, Frankie Fritsch, Bishop Manning, and Wayne Wheeler

6. How does Jake feel after the fiesta and the bull fighting?
(a) Indifferent
(b) Excited
(c) Depressed
(d) Homesick

7. When Jake returns to his room after his fight with Cohn, Bill tells him that Cohn wants to see him. What does Cohn want from Jake?
(a) The whereabouts of Brett
(b) Forgiveness
(c) To continue the fight
(d) An apology

8. What do Jake, Bill and Cohn decide to do after Jake receives the telegram from Brett says she and Mike stopped in San Sebastian for the night?
(a) They decide to go to San Sebastian to meet Brett and Mike.
(b) They decide to take the noon bus for Burguete.
(c) They decide that Jake and Cohn will go on to Burgete, and Bill will wait for Brett.
(d) They decide to wait until the next day before they go to Burguete.

9. Jake says that the first meal in Spain is "always a shock". What does the meal consist of?
(a) Rolled olive leaves, smoked fish, and spicy vegetables
(b) Hors d'oeuvres, an egg course, two meat courses, vegetables, salad, dessert and fruit with wine to wash it down
(c) Poached eggs with cheese sauce, spicy beans, hot vegetable stew
(d) Spicy beans with hot sauce, spicy vegetables, dried beef

10. Why were workmen putting up gate-posts that shut off the side streets in Pamplona?
(a) So the women could hang flowers from the posts for the fiesta
(b) To prevent the bulls from running down the side streets when they were released into the street the next morning.
(c) For the fiesta parade the next day
(d) To make a place for tying the spectator's horses during the bull fight

11. What is Jake's philosophy that everything that is good has to be paid for?
(a) He believes money will buy anything.
(b) He says that payment is made by living life.
(c) He says that it is paid by learning, by experience, by taking chances, or by money.
(d) He says that payment is made by working hard.

12. What did it mean when the Basque said "Arriba" to Bill and Jake?
(a) Stop drinking
(b) Lift it up
(c) Put it down
(d) Put the cork on

13. What part of the countryside did Jake's bus travel after stopping at the posada to drop off packages?
(a) Through a soot covered mill town
(b) Through farming country with rocky hills
(c) Through the crowded city streets
(d) Through rough, rocky plains

14. What is the reason Brett tells Jake she is a goner?
(a) She is hopelessly in love with Pedro Romero.
(b) She finds out she is very sick.
(c) She thinks she drinks too much.
(d) She is still in love with Jake.

15. When Romero says that he kills his friends, to whom is he referring?
(a) The other bull fighters
(b) The bulls
(c) Some of his old class mates
(d) The picadores

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does the fiesta last?

2. While on the bus, Bill and Jake have a conversation with an old man who says that he lived in America forty years ago. Why did he return to Spain?

3. What is Cohn's response when Bill suggests that he not look at the horses when the bull gores them?

4. Why did the bus have to pull over to the side of the road as it climbed into the hills?

5. What fortune does Brett give to Pedro Romero when she reads his palm?

(see the answer keys)

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