The Sun Also Rises Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why doesn't Cohn want Jake talking about meeting the American girl in Strasbourg?
(a) Cohn wants to stay in Paris.
(b) Cohn is afraid Frances will be angry and jealous.
(c) Cohn doesn't want Jake to get involved with a woman.
(d) Cohn is afraid Jake won't return to Paris.

2. Jake tells Brett that he loves her so much and makes a suggestion to her. What is the suggestion?
(a) That they see other people
(b) That they get married
(c) That they live together
(d) That they avoid each other

3. When Robert Cohn returns to Paris from America, he is a changed man. In what way does he change?
(a) He wants to elope with Frances immediately.
(b) He is not so simple or so nice, and not as pleasant to have around.
(c) He knows he is deeply in love with Frances.
(d) He withdraws into himself, rarely going out.

4. When Jake and Bill try to get tickets for the first lunch service on the train, what does the conductor tell them?
(a) They can have tickets to the second serving.
(b) They are all reserved but he will find them a spot for ten francs.
(c) He gives them tickets and tells them to enjoy the ride.
(d) They are all reserved. There is nothing available until the fifth at three-thirty.

5. What does Jake tell Cohn about Brett when he inquires about her?
(a) She's nice and her name is Lady Ashley. She is getting a divorce, so she can marry someone named Mike Campbell.
(b) She will hurt you if you try to get close.
(c) He doesn't have anything to say about her. He doesn't want to discuss it.
(d) She is not worth the time of day. Stay away from her.

6. Jake meets Brett and Mike at the Dingo and Mike is a bit drunk. What does Mike ask Jake at the time?
(a) He asks if Cohn is in love with Brett.
(b) He asks if Jake is still in love with Brett.
(c) He asks if he said anything embarrassing the night before.
(d) He asks if he and Brett can go to Pamplona with Jake and Bill.

7. Who arrives at Jake's flat after he finishes showering?
(a) Brett and Harvey Stone
(b) Robert Cohn and Harvey Stone
(c) Brett and Robert Cohn
(d) Brett and Count Mippipopolous

8. Who does Brett's friend, Zizi, introduce her to when she and Jake go into the Café Select?
(a) Count Mippipopolous
(b) Marshal Ney
(c) Robert Cohn
(d) Aloysius Kirby

9. What advice do people offer Jake about his war injury that he resents so much?
(a) They tell him it is not important and he shouldn't worry about it.
(b) They tell him he is lucky; it could have been worse.
(c) They say it is better than getting killed.
(d) They tell him not to think about it.

10. What happens to Bill Gorton during his stay in Vienna?
(a) Bill is drunk for four days in Vienna and doesn't remember much about the trip.
(b) Bill is mugged while drunk in Vienna.
(c) Bill has a wonderful trip full of pleasant memories.
(d) Bill wins a large sum of money betting on a prize-fight.

11. Robert Cohn moves to California and uses the remainder of his fifty thousand dollars to back and become sole editor of what magazine?
(a) Review of the Arts
(b) The Fine Arts and Music Magazine
(c) The Princeton Review
(d) The California Coastline

12. What does Jake do to pass the time while Brett and Robert Cohn are out of town?
(a) He mopes around, feeling sorry for himself.
(b) He drinks too much and pines over Brett.
(c) He works, goes to the races, dines with friends and puts extra time in at the office.
(d) He begins writing his first novel.

13. Where do the Count, Brett, and Jake go after they finish dinner in the restaurant?
(a) They go to the Count's hotel room for champagne.
(b) They go for a stroll in the park.
(c) They go dancing at Zelli's.
(d) They go for a tour of Paris in a horse-cab.

14. What happens to Robert Cohn when his instructor, Spider Kelly overmatches him?
(a) He gets his nose flattened.
(b) He breaks his hand.
(c) He wins on a TKO.
(d) He is knocked out.

15. What advice does Jake give to Robert Cohn when they go to the café below Jakes office?
(a) Live your life now because you will be dead in thirty years.
(b) Don't waste your life staying in one place.
(c) You can't get away from yourself by traveling from place to place.
(d) Traveling is a great way to get away from your problems.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Robert Cohn spend his time while in Europe with Frances?

2. Robert Cohn is a Jewish man attending Princeton. How does this make him feel?

3. Who has a cab waiting for Jake and Bill as they get off the train?

4. What is Jake referring to when he says to Brett, "you like to add them up."?

5. Why does Robert Cohn go to America after three years in Europe?

(see the answer keys)

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