Such a Long Journey Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Such a Long Journey Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Gustad attempt to give to Miss Kutpitia for being allowed to use her telephone?
(a) A homemade cookie.
(b) A bottle of wine.
(c) A rose.
(d) A cup of tea.

2. Which song does Roshan like Gustad to sing?
(a) The alphabet song.
(b) "Happy Birthday."
(c) The chicken song.
(d) The donkey song.

3. What covers the windows in the Nobles' home?
(a) Black paper.
(b) Venetian blinds.
(c) Curtains.
(d) Mosquito netting.

4. How old is Dilnavaz?
(a) Thirty-five.
(b) Fifty-seven.
(c) Forty-four.
(d) Sixty.

5. With whom does Gustad's dinner guest share the wishbone in Chapter 3?
(a) Gustad.
(b) Dilnavaz.
(c) Roshan.
(d) Sohrab.

Short Answer Questions

1. As mentioned in Chapter 5, what is "the one constant" throughout the marriage of Gustad and Dilnavaz?

2. Where does Gustad's chicken live?

3. What does Dr. Paymaster think is making Roshan ill in Chapter 11?

4. What object of Mr. Madon's does Gustad covet?

5. How long have Gustad and Dilnavaz been married?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Gustad manage to get Friday afternoon off to go to the Chor Bazaar?

2. What is the request Major Bilimoria makes to Gustad, and how does Gustad react?

3. Describe the events of Gustad's accident.

4. What is the plan that Gustad develops for dealing with Major Bilimoria's parcel, and who else is involved?

5. What are some of Tehmul's idiosyncrasies?

6. What is the story that Malcolm tells Gustad about St. Thomas?

7. Why is there enmity between Gustad and his neighbor?

8. How does Gustad normally spend his lunch hour?

9. What happens to Gustad's father's property, and what parts of it remain in Gustad's care?

10. What does the letter from Sister Constance say, and how does Gustad respond?

(see the answer keys)

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