Such a Long Journey Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Such a Long Journey Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the beginning of the second part of the first chapter, what is Gustad waiting for?
(a) The milk.
(b) Coffee.
(c) The news broadcast.
(d) The newspaper.

2. As Mr. Madon mentions in Chapter 7, how much time does Gustad take off work directly after his accident?
(a) Three months.
(b) Fourteen weeks.
(c) Six months.
(d) Six weeks.

3. How long has Gustad worked for the bank?
(a) Thirty years.
(b) Five years.
(c) Twelve years.
(d) Twenty-four years.

4. What does Gustad find at the antique booth in Chapter 7?
(a) A Meccano set.
(b) A train set.
(c) A comic book.
(d) A xylophone.

5. At the end of Chapter 2, what is looking in the Nobles' window?
(a) Tehmul.
(b) Three rats.
(c) Two crows.
(d) The security guard.

Short Answer Questions

1. What health problem does Roshan have?

2. Where does Miss Kutpitia get her food?

3. In Chapter 7, when does Gustad visit the Chor Bazaar?

4. According to Miss Kutpitia, what is causing Roshan's illness?

5. In what area does young Sohrab not possess any talent, as noted in Chapter 5?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the plan that Major Bilimoria outlines for Gustad with regard to picking up the parcel.

2. Describe Gustad's experience at the Chor Bazaar.

3. What is the request Major Bilimoria makes to Gustad, and how does Gustad react?

4. Why does Roshan's school hold a raffle?

5. Describe Crawford Market.

6. Describe Dr. Paymaster's neighborhood.

7. What does the letter from Sister Constance say, and how does Gustad respond?

8. What is the story that Malcolm tells Gustad about St. Thomas?

9. How does Gustad manage to get Friday afternoon off to go to the Chor Bazaar?

10. What happens to Miss Kutpitia's brother and nephew, and how does it affect Miss Kutpitia?

(see the answer keys)

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