Such a Long Journey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Such a Long Journey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the Indian Tennyson of Chapter 3?
(a) Roshan.
(b) Sohrab.
(c) Dilnavaz.
(d) Dinshawji.

2. What do Roshan and Darius take with them to school as a fundraiser?
(a) Candy bars.
(b) Pennies.
(c) Old tires.
(d) Newspapers.

3. About what conversation topic does Sohrab get angry in Chapter 3?
(a) The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT).
(b) Dinshawji's daughter.
(c) Religion.
(d) Indira Gandhi's political leadership.

4. What is the name of the Nobles' family doctor?
(a) Dr. Crawford.
(b) Dr. Laird.
(c) Dr. Bonesetter.
(d) Dr. Paymaster.

5. How does Tehmul earn some money?
(a) By catching rats and taking them to the pest control office.
(b) By selling newspapers.
(c) By shining shoes.
(d) By writing letters for people who cannot read.

6. What is Major Bilimoria's last gift to Gustad?
(a) A deck of cards.
(b) A six-pack of beer.
(c) A pair of Birkenstock sandals.
(d) A bottle of Hercules XXX rum.

7. How many floors does the Khodadad Building have?
(a) Seven.
(b) Six.
(c) Five.
(d) Three.

8. In the first part of Chapter 9, on what subject is Cavasji yelling out the window?
(a) The poor health of his son.
(b) The monsoon.
(c) The lack of good-tasting milk.
(d) Indira Gandhi's regime.

9. In Chapter 2, Gustad plans a special dinner for what occasion?
(a) Sohrab's birthday.
(b) Roshan's birthday.
(c) Christmas.
(d) His own retirement.

10. What part of Gustad's body suffers most from his accident nine years ago?
(a) His left shoulder.
(b) His legs.
(c) His hip.
(d) His right hand.

11. In Chapter 4, how much does the water seller want for two glasses of water?
(a) 16 naye paise.
(b) 12 naye paise.
(c) 40 naye paise.
(d) 20 naye paise.

12. According to Major Bilimoria's letter in Chapter 8, whose advice should Gustad forget?
(a) Iago.
(b) Ghulam Mohammed.
(c) Macbeth.
(d) Indira Gandhi.

13. Where does Miss Kutpitia get her food?
(a) The New Delhi Co-op.
(b) The Ratan Tata Institute.
(c) The supermarket.
(d) The corner grocery.

14. How long has Dinshawji worked for the bank?
(a) Thirty years.
(b) Five years.
(c) Fifteen years.
(d) Two weeks.

15. How old is Dilnavaz?
(a) Forty-four.
(b) Sixty.
(c) Fifty-seven.
(d) Thirty-five.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the weather like on the day of Gustad's accident?

2. Who yells at the bhaiya in Chapter 1?

3. What is the oldest business in Dr. Paymaster's neighborhood?

4. What is the purported cause of Mrs. Pataskia's ill temper?

5. What type of car does Inspector Bamji drive?

(see the answer keys)

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