Stranger in a Strange Land Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stranger in a Strange Land Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jubal demand of Douglas?
(a) that Jill become Michael's guardian
(b) that the press be present at any meeting
(c) that Ben Caxton be present at the meeting
(d) that the government leave Michael alone

2. What does Michael ultimately do about the police?
(a) he surrenders to them
(b) he makes their guns disappear
(c) he makes them all disappear
(d) he makes their vehicle disappear

3. What does Jubal notice between his secretaries and Jill?
(a) that his secretaries protect her
(b) a big difference
(c) that his secretaries like her
(d) that Jill is smarter

4. What does Michael say "grok" means?
(a) love
(b) neverending
(c) drink
(d) the present

5. What do the two large bowls at Michael's door hold?
(a) snake food
(b) coffee grounds
(c) money
(d) water

6. Who does Michael see before the meeting that he knew?
(a) Doctor Mahmoud
(b) Doctor Edmunds
(c) Captain Tromp
(d) Priscilla, a nurse at Bethesda

7. How does Michael feel about the police officers landing in the garden?
(a) it was a good place to land
(b) it was wrong
(c) he doesn't notice where they land
(d) it ruined the flowers

8. Why is Michael having trouble grokking the situation?
(a) he has never heard of police
(b) he doesn't understand money
(c) he's not a lawyer
(d) understanding the English language

9. Why does Jubal have Michael handle the Martian anthem the way he does?
(a) to show them Michael is Martian
(b) to prove he's a sovereign monarch
(c) to laugh at the anthem
(d) so he won't hear it

10. What does Jubal think sex has done for Michael?
(a) made him stronger
(b) made him juvenile
(c) made him fully human
(d) made him egotistical

11. Who from the carnival becomes close friends with Jill and Michael?
(a) the fat lady
(b) the snake woman
(c) the midget
(d) the tattoo lady

12. Why is Jubal concerned for Michael?
(a) his church project
(b) he's spending too much money
(c) he's going to be a father
(d) he is getting more hate mail

13. What does Douglas tell the people who broke into Jubal's house?
(a) to leave
(b) to kill Michael
(c) to kidnap Jill
(d) to arrest them all

14. How does Michael win money at the Fosterite's slot machines?
(a) pure luck
(b) the church rigged it that way
(c) the machine was broken
(d) manipulating the wheel with his mind

15. For what are the bags of mail to Michael checked?
(a) letters from possible family members
(b) pornography
(c) investment offers
(d) bombs

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Douglas insist on to Jubal?

2. Who finally agrees to contact Secretary Douglas for Jubal?

3. What does Duke do in Michael's church?

4. What does Jill try to keep from Michael?

5. What has Michael decided to do about his life?

(see the answer keys)

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