Still Missing Test | Final Test - Easy

Chevy Stevens
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Still Missing Test | Final Test - Easy

Chevy Stevens
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Session 26, Annie describes how Christina confessed to an affair with whom during the time in which Annie was missing?
(a) Simon.
(b) Wayne.
(c) Dwight.
(d) Luke.

2. What did Annie do before going to the police station after she reached a small town in her escape?
(a) Went to church.
(b) Got a motel room.
(c) Went to the hospital.
(d) Ate breakfast.

3. In Session 26, Annie describes having talked to Christina only to learn that Christina did what as soon as she learned Annie was one of the other Realtors in the running for the condo deal?
(a) Worked twice as hard.
(b) Had Annie fired.
(c) Backed out.
(d) Slept with their boss.

4. Who came to pick up Annie when she was released from the hospital after her abduction?
(a) Staff Sergeant Gary Kincaid.
(b) Luke.
(c) Christina.
(d) Lorraine.

5. Annie demanded what of the small-town cops whom she first encountered after escaping her abduction?
(a) They get her some coffee and donuts.
(b) They get in their cars and go to the cabin.
(c) They bring her cops who were better at their jobs.
(d) They show her books of mugshots.

6. What was Annie doing when she was recently attacked, as told to her psychiatrist in Session 22?
(a) Running.
(b) Driving.
(c) Sailing.
(d) Shopping.

7. In Session 26, Annie describes having told Christina that she planned to sell her house and do what?
(a) Move to America.
(b) Become a pilot.
(c) Go to art school.
(d) Live on a sailboat.

8. What had Annie been wearing on the day she was abducted?
(a) A dress.
(b) A suit.
(c) A bikini.
(d) Jeans.

9. What did Annie do during the conversation with her mother in jail, as described in Session 26?
(a) Promised to kill her.
(b) Slapped her.
(c) Called Gary.
(d) Walked out.

10. During her interview with the police, Annie's mother confessed to paying who to kidnap her daughter?
(a) Wayne.
(b) Simon Rousseau.
(c) Dwight.
(d) Luke.

11. What did Christina bring to Annie's house to help convince her to be comfortable in it, as described in Session 19?
(a) Wood stain.
(b) Furniture.
(c) Plants.
(d) Paint.

12. In Session 17, Annie tells the psychiatrist how Luke came by to do what recently?
(a) Fix her car.
(b) Cook her dinner.
(c) Ask her opinion.
(d) Install bookkeeping software.

13. Who does Annie say called and told her about an alarm the police had set up directly in her house in Session 22?
(a) Staff Sergeant Gary Kincaid.
(b) Luke.
(c) Lorraine.
(d) Wayne.

14. Annie's mother planned what which led to Dwight's first stint in prison?
(a) A car theft.
(b) A wire fraud scheme.
(c) A bank robbery.
(d) A murder.

15. What did Annie find in her mother's bathroom that is similar to one she saw in the shed at the cabin and later helped prove her mother's guilt?
(a) A contact lens.
(b) A pair of glasses.
(c) A pink hair tie.
(d) A green brush.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the officer from Clayton Falls tell Annie supported her story, as described in Session 21?

2. In Session 23, Annie remembered where the photo that did not fit with the rest of the abductor's photos of her had come from, which was where?

3. What cousin of Annie's does she say had lost her Realtor's license for a short time, possibly leading to a motive for kidnapping?

4. Annie's mother gave what reason for having married Annie's father?

5. For what crime is Dwight in prison?

(see the answer keys)

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