Stern Men Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stern Men Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Lanford remain in Fort Niles in Chapter 12?
(a) To speak to Stan.
(b) To enjoy the views.
(c) The weather is poor.
(d) To see Ruth.

2. What happened to John while he was in the army?
(a) He was a prisoner of war.
(b) His arm was amputated.
(c) He was shot in the leg.
(d) He disappeared in Germany.

3. Who is Chucky Strachan?
(a) The brother of the groom at the wedding.
(b) The father of the bride at the wedding.
(c) The best man at the wedding.
(d) The bartender at the wedding.

4. What is Ruth most proud of in the epilogue?
(a) Learning to respect the Ellis'.
(b) Not letting the Ellises' drive her away.
(c) Her family.
(d) Her ambitions.

5. What does Rhonda wish she had for Ruth?
(a) A pretty dress.
(b) A normal son for her to marry.
(c) An inheritance.
(d) Some words of wisdom.

Short Answer Questions

1. What isle's demise does Toby speak of in Chapter 10?

2. What do younger lobstermen tend to be?

3. What do older lobstermen tend to be?

4. What does Ruth do for most of the fall of 1976?

5. Where do Ruth and Owney race to in Chapter 11?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Rhonda think of Mary?

2. Why is Kitty so out of sorts in Chapter 12?

3. What do Stan and Ruth fight about in Chapter 12?

4. Describe the second, third and fourth lobster wars.

5. What happens when Stan visits Ruth at Rhonda's in Chapter 12?

6. What does Toby believe is the future of Fort Niles?

7. How does Ruth's relationship with Lanford conclude in the Epilogue?

8. Describe the drive to Rockland in Chapter 7.

9. What does Owney want to be when he is older?

10. How have Rhonda's sons lived since Ira's death?

(see the answer keys)

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