Staying On Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Staying On Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Mrs. Bhoolabhoy tries to renegotiate her contract with the hotel consortium, what happens?
(a) She gets a bad deal.
(b) She gets more money.
(c) She gets what she wants.
(d) She loses the deal completely.

2. What is Father Sebastian publishing?
(a) An article on church architecture.
(b) A book about the priesthood.
(c) An autobiography.
(d) A fiction novel placed in Calcutta.

3. What does Mrs. Bhoolabhoy want to put in the letter to Tusker?
(a) To look for other accommodations.
(b) To come to dinner.
(c) To fire Ibrahim.
(d) To fire their mali.

4. After Tusker dies, Lucy is sitting on the loo and remembers that she must call someone. Who?
(a) Sarah.
(b) Mr. Turner.
(c) Mrs. Layton.
(d) Mrs. Bhoolabhoy.

5. What does Mr. Bhoolabhoy tell Lucy to do if she runs into his wife?
(a) Stay away from her because she has a fever.
(b) Talk to her about the mali.
(c) Tell his wife that he's at the church.
(d) Stay way from her because she has a migraine.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who convinced Lucy to use blue rinse on her hair?

2. Where did Tusker live when Lucy first met him?

3. After reading the letter, Lucy goes to bed. Whose voices does she hear later in the evening?

4. After Lucy gets up from her four hour nap and dances the entire evening with her imaginary dance partner, what does she do?

5. What is the noise that Mr. Bhoolabhoy hears while praying?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Lucy concerned about whether Joseph speaks English? What does she try to teach Joseph about the gravestones?

2. As Lucy and Ibrahim discuss Father Sebastian's meal, Lucy at one point reminds Ibrahim who is in charge of the mali. What is happening here?

3. After Tusker dies, Lucy must figure out what to do when Mr. Turner comes for his visit. What is her decision and what does this tell us about Lucy?

4. What is in the letter that Tusker wrote to Lucy that makes her think it is a love letter?

5. What did Tusker do at the time of the "debacle?"

6. After Tusker dies, who offers Lucy a home? Why is this important? What does this say about Lucy's customs all along?

7. Why does Mr. Bhoolabhoy not want Lucy to speak to Mrs. Bhoolabhoy if they run into each other at the club? What is he hiding?

8. What does Lucy think when Mr. Bhoolabhoy stalls her from leaving the church?

9. What is Tusker's reaction to the new Father Sebastian? Why do you think he is reacting in this manner? Why does this make Lucy feel uncomfortable?

10. Tusker is found dead with the letter in his hand. What role does Dr. Mitra play in how the letter is handled?

(see the answer keys)

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