Staying On Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Staying On Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Tusker to at the holiday party with the children?
(a) He plays hide and seek with them.
(b) He plays with them and throws colored powder on them.
(c) He reads the Holi story to them.
(d) He sings with them.

2. Who pays the mali?
(a) Ibriham.
(b) Mr. Bhoolabhoy.
(c) Father Sebastian.
(d) Tusker.

3. While Mr. Bhoolabhoy is praying, he hears a noise that makes him imagine something. What is he imagining?
(a) Smith's hotel is being bulldozed.
(b) The church is burning.
(c) The lodge is swept away in a flood.
(d) He is dying.

4. When Susy and Father Sebastian arrive at church will lots of flowers, what were they doing earlier in the day?
(a) Susy is showing Father her shop.
(b) Visiting Lucy and Tusker.
(c) Looking in on Susy's mom.
(d) Having breakfast together.

5. When Mr. Bhoolabhoy is trying to stall Lucy from leaving the churchyard, what does Lucy think?
(a) He's tired.
(b) He's flirting with her.
(c) He's lonely.
(d) He's talkative.

6. The morning of Lucy and Tusker's dinner with Father Sebastian, what is Lucy going to do?
(a) Visit with Tusker.
(b) Get her hair done.
(c) Walk the dog.
(d) Shop for food.

7. What happened to Lucy's twin brothers?
(a) They were punished for being so mean to her.
(b) They disappeared and were never found again.
(c) They were killed in an automobile accident.
(d) They went to law school together.

8. What does Mrs. Bhoolabhoy want to put in the letter to Tusker?
(a) To fire their mali.
(b) To look for other accommodations.
(c) To fire Ibrahim.
(d) To come to dinner.

9. After Lucy takes the four hour nap, what does Tusker leave for her?
(a) A letter explaining their finances.
(b) A letter from him to Mr. Bhoolabhoy.
(c) A letter explaining his behavior over the last few days.
(d) A letter from him to Mrs. Bhoolabhoy.

10. What does Tusker do to embarrass his wife when he attends church on Easter?
(a) He is drunk.
(b) He badgers the new Father to come to dinner.
(c) He sings loudly and out of tune.
(d) He gives the Father a check in front of everyone.

11. After Tusker dies, where does Lucy want to go?
(a) To bed.
(b) Home.
(c) To the Shiraz.
(d) To the bazaar.

12. What does Tusker do at the holiday party that embarrasses his wife?
(a) He falls on another woman at the party.
(b) He falls, is pushed over a table and breaks a glass.
(c) He slides down a hill.
(d) He falls down a flight of stairs.

13. What year did Tusker retire?
(a) 1923.
(b) 1960.
(c) 1972.
(d) 1947.

14. After reading the letter, Lucy goes to bed. Whose voices does she hear later in the evening?
(a) Joseph.
(b) Mrs. Bhoolabhoy.
(c) Dr. and Mrs. Mitra.
(d) Father Sebastian and Susy.

15. When Lucy almost lost her job because she was caring for her mother, what did her father do to help her?
(a) He bought her a home.
(b) He bought her a car.
(c) He gave her money.
(d) Put her up at the Y close to work.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the holiday celebrated in India just before Easter?

2. Why does Tusker say he did not go home after he retired from the military?

3. Where did Lucy and Tusker live before Pankot?

4. Where did Tusker live when Lucy first met him?

5. Why does Father Sebastian not tell Mr. Bhoolabhoy about the organ?

(see the answer keys)

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