Staying On Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Staying On Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Mr. Pandey, the lawyer's clerk, comes out of Mrs. Bhoolabhoy's room, what is she wearing?
(a) A negligee.
(b) A silk pantsuit.
(c) A large salmon-colored dress.
(d) A necklace of pearls.

2. Why did Mrs. Bhoolabhoy fire the old mali?
(a) She thought he was too noisy when he was working.
(b) She thought he drank with Mr. Bhoolabhoy.
(c) She thought he was stealing produce and selling it.
(d) She thought he slept on the job.

3. What is Ibrahim afraid of if Tusker dies?
(a) That Lucy will die.
(b) That Lucy will go home.
(c) That Lucy will be broke.
(d) That he will have to move to England with Lucy.

4. Where do the Smalleys usually eat?
(a) The main hotel dining room.
(b) At the Shiraz.
(c) At the Pankot Rifles.
(d) At the club.

5. What does Joseph do on the 7th day he is employed?
(a) He gets drunk.
(b) He gambles.
(c) He works.
(d) He rests.

6. When Lucy thanks Ibrahim for cleaning the items in her room, what does she ask him to do with her?
(a) Go back and clean a few more things.
(b) To cook dinner.
(c) Take a walk.
(d) To take Bloxsaw outside.

7. At the beginning of Chapter 5, who cooks a meal for Ibrahim and Joseph?
(a) Minnie.
(b) Tusker.
(c) Lucy.
(d) Mrs. Bhoolabhoy.

8. Ibrahim recalls another time when Tusker fell ill. Where was Tusker when this happened?
(a) In the garden.
(b) On the veranda.
(c) On the toilet.
(d) In his bed.

9. What does Mrs. Bhoolabhoy say she is buying into?
(a) A hotel consortium.
(b) The Shiraz.
(c) A time-share condo.
(d) A beach front resort.

10. When Ibrahim takes Bloxsaw to the coffee shop, who does he see there?
(a) Tusker.
(b) Mrs. Bhoolabhoy and a strange group of Indian men.
(c) The English hippie.
(d) Minnie.

11. What happens to Bloxsaw after his walk?
(a) He slaps new Ibrahim.
(b) He runs through the canna lilies.
(c) He collapses on the verandah panting.
(d) He runs wild in the garden.

12. Where does Tusker write notes?
(a) In Lucy's books.
(b) In library books.
(c) In his notebook.
(d) On pieces of scratch paper.

13. What does Ibrahim explain to Joseph about the job?
(a) Lucy plays around on her husband.
(b) Tusker is a heavy drinker.
(c) Lucy is a whiz at bridge.
(d) If Ibrahim gets fired, so does Joseph.

14. Why is Lucy angry that Tusker told people how they met?
(a) Because it marked her as a woman who once had to work.
(b) She was embarrassed that she married Tusker.
(c) She didn't want people to know her maiden name.
(d) She didn't want people to know her past.

15. What did Lucy do when she and Tusker met?
(a) She was a teacher.
(b) She was a secretary.
(c) She was an attorney.
(d) She stayed at home and cared for her mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What rank was Tusker in the armed forces?

2. What work did Joseph do for the church?

3. Who is married to Mr. Perron?

4. What does Ibrahim clean in Lucy's room for her?

5. What does Mrs. Bhoolabhoy do every Monday?

(see the answer keys)

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