Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Moby and Ellerby are called to the office during their study hall, who is waiting for them in Mr. Mautz's office?

2. Where did Ms. Lemry grow up?

3. According to what Dale remembers Sarah Byrnes saying about her mother, what did her mother always want to be?

4. When Sarah Byrnes visits Moby in the hospital, what does she tell Moby?

5. What does Mr. Mautz ask Moby to do during their lunch?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Moby and Sarah Byrnes go for a walk, they are watched by her father. How do they communicate since Sarah Byrnes can't be seen talking?

2. According to Carver, how did Carver manipulate his way into a relationship with Moby's mother?

3. After Sarah Byrnes bolts from the psych ward, why does Moby return to the psych ward to speak with Laurel?

4. When Ms. Lemry surprises Moby by telling him that she ran after and caught Sarah Byrnes' mother, what does Lemry reveal to Moby about her past?

5. How does Ms. Lemry respond when Mark Brittain insists that everything is about Christianity?

6. As Moby recovers in his hospital room, why is Moby terribly nervous for Sarah Byrnes?

7. Moby receives quite a bit of media attention after he is attacked by Virgil Byrnes. When is the last time that Moby can remember getting this much media attention?

8. When Moby goes looking for someone to talk to about the possibility of dating Jody Mueller, why does the person he finds consider folding towels to be therapy?

9. As Moby retreats to his bedroom to do some thinking about Sarah Byrnes and Jody Mueller, why does Moby admit that he's scared to death to start anything up with Jody?

10. How does Sarah Byrnes' mother respond when Sarah Byrnes asks her mother to come back and testify against Virgil?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Dale Thornton and Sarah Byrnes can be seen as kindred spirits - owing to the similarities in their early childhood experiences. Although they are not quite the same, they share a number of similarities. Identify and describe these similarities. Then, based on your discussion of their similarities, identify the ways in which these two characters' similarities facilitate the plot's development and move the story forward.

Essay Topic 2

Mr. Mautz seems to be a man who is supremely confident in his ability to come out on top - and in his powerful position at the school. Identify at least three instances from the story that highlight his confidence. How is Matuz helped by his utter confidence? How is Mautz hurt by his confidence? Provide examples of each.

Essay Topic 3

Compare and contrast the characteristics, roles, loyalties and agendas of the following people in the story: Dale Thornton, Ms. Lemry, Mr. Mautz, Jody Mueller and Mark Brittain.

(see the answer keys)

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