Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the "expose" on Mautz's illegitimate son for "Crispy Pork Rinds", how long did Mautz's son's illicit affair last?

2. After "Crispy Pork Rinds" folded, how many hollow gumballs did Byrnes and Moby distribute to people who had "wronged" them?

3. On the 95th 100, how many seconds do Ellerby and Moby plan to go under the standard?

4. According to his friend's story, how old was his friend when she was burned?

5. What nickname did Dale Thornton used to call Sarah Byrnes in junior high?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Moby returns to his desk after Jody and Mark decide to remain in the CAT class, Moby finds a note waiting for him. Who is the note from and what does it say?

2. Why does Moby not keep a journal - even though his mother has been encouraging him to do so since grade school?

3. Who is Huey-Dewey?

4. What is nearly impossible for Moby to admit to other people?

5. What is the main reason that Moby does not let people get close to him?

6. What advice does the counselor give to the narrator when he first visits his friend at the hospital?

7. Before visiting his friend in the hospital, how long had it been since the narrator had been on the psychiatric unit and why had he been there?

8. How does Ellerby react at the "special" Saturday practice when Brittain and his lane members bow for prayer before beginning their set?

9. According to the bumper sticker on Ellerby's car, what are the wages of sin?

10. In the CAT class, why does Ms. Lemry decide that the class will spend several days discussing the topic of abortion?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Throughout the course of the novel, religious overtones abound. In fact, these religious differences become a main motivator in moving the plot forward. Identify at least three different religious views that impacted the plot and the lives of the characters involved in the story. For each instance, describe the characters involved, the religious belief, and how the belief impacted the story's plot. How might the story have been different if these beliefs had not been a part of the plot? Explain your reasoning.

Essay Topic 2

Examine Dale's character and how he evolves (or not) and what he symbolizes in the story. Use examples from the story to support your answer.

Essay Topic 3

In many ways, the novel is a series of contrasts designed to heighten the reader's awareness and draw the reader deeper into the story and the intricacies of each of the story's characters. Identify at least three contrasts that are used in the novel. Describe these contrasts and determine how they impact the story's plot, as well as the reader's emotional involvement in the characters' lives. If these identified contrasts were not included in the story, what impact would their absence have on the storyline, the characters' development and the readers' involvement?

(see the answer keys)

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