Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to what Moby tells the hospital counselor, how many times has Moby been to Sarah Byrnes' house since meeting her in grade school?
(a) Seven.
(b) Thirteen.
(c) Seventeen.
(d) Three.

2. What is the name of Moby's mother's new boyfriend?
(a) Culver.
(b) Carver.
(c) Camptor.
(d) Carter.

3. When Moby is eavesdropping as Mark tries to drop CAT, what does Moby liken Mark's memory to?
(a) A fax machine.
(b) A telephone.
(c) A photograph.
(d) A copier.

4. When Jody sits back down after Ms. Lemry refuses to sign her drop card for the CAT class, Moby is disappointed in Jody. What does Moby refer to Jody as?
(a) Gumby.
(b) A softie.
(c) A pushover.
(d) The Pillsbury Doughgirl.

5. What is Ms. Lemry's overriding rule for discussions taking place in the CAT class?
(a) No poorly constructed arguments.
(b) No personal remarks.
(c) No blasphemy.
(d) No prayers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color does the person visiting Sarah Byrnes in Chapter 6 traditionally wear?

2. According to the "expose" on Mautz's illegitimate son for "Crispy Pork Rinds", how long did Mautz's son's illicit affair last?

3. When Ellerby tried to run away after his brother was killed, where did Ellerby try to go?

4. What is the occupation of Moby's mother?

5. How many swimmers finish the full 100 100's?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to what Dale Thornton tells Moby in front of Moby's house, how did Sarah Byrnes get the burns on her face?

2. How does Moby describe his high school principal?

3. What is nearly impossible for Moby to admit to other people?

4. In the CAT class, why does Ms. Lemry decide that the class will spend several days discussing the topic of abortion?

5. What reason does Mark Brittain give to Ms. Lemry as an explanation for why he and Jody want to drop the CAT class?

6. How do the counselors on the psych unit know that Sarah Byrnes can hear them?

7. As the story opens, how does the narrator describe his father?

8. What is Ms. Lemry's initial argument to Mark when he tries to drop the CAT class?

9. Why does Moby not keep a journal - even though his mother has been encouraging him to do so since grade school?

10. When Moby returns to his desk after Jody and Mark decide to remain in the CAT class, Moby finds a note waiting for him. Who is the note from and what does it say?

(see the answer keys)

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