Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to what Dale remembers Sarah Byrnes saying about her mother, where does Dale think Sarah Byrnes' mother might be living?
(a) Los Angeles.
(b) Las Vegas.
(c) New York.
(d) Reno.

2. When Sarah Byrnes visits Moby in the hospital, what does she tell Moby?
(a) That she's hungry.
(b) That she has given up.
(c) That she's leaving.
(d) That she's happy.

3. After having lunch with Mr. Mautz, Moby decides to hang around after swim practice is over. When Lemry questions why, what does Moby tell her?
(a) That he is quitting the swim team.
(b) That he has to drop the CAT class.
(c) To watch out for Mark Brittain.
(d) To watch out for Mr. Mautz.

4. When Reverend Ellerby arrives in Mr. Mautz's office, what does Mr. Brittain ask the Reverend to do?
(a) Get control of his son.
(b) Have his son apolgize to Mark.
(c) Have his son go easier on Mark.
(d) Leave the discussion.

5. How old was Jody's fetus when she had the abortion at Mark's insistence?
(a) Ten weeks.
(b) Eight weeks.
(c) Six weeks.
(d) Twelve weeks.

6. When Moby and Ellerby stop by Lemry's house as Ms. Lemry and Sarah Byrnes are preparing to leave for Reno, what does Moby notice about Sarah Byrnes?
(a) How alive she looks.
(b) How much she is smiling.
(c) How frightened she seems.
(d) How neat her appearance is.

7. When Sarah Byrnes and Ms. Lemry locate Sarah Byrnes' mother, what is her mother working as?
(a) A singer.
(b) A dancer.
(c) A dealer.
(d) A hostess.

8. The day the students are told that Brittain attempted suicide, who comes to Moby's house for dinner?
(a) Jody.
(b) Ms. Lemry.
(c) Sarah Byrnes.
(d) Ellerby.

9. After hearing out Mr. Mautz, what does Reverend Ellerby tell him?
(a) Mr. Mautz has a point.
(b) Mr. Mautz should take over the CAT class.
(c) Mr. Mautz should be fired.
(d) Mr. Mautz has crossed the line.

10. Back at school, who watches over the CAT class/study hall since Ms. Lemry is on paid leave?
(a) Mr. Patterson.
(b) Mr. Mautz.
(c) Mr. Stone.
(d) Mr. Brittain.

11. When Moby goes looking for someone to talk to about the possibility of dating Jody Mueller, who does he find folding towels by the lockers?
(a) Mark Brittain.
(b) Steve Ellerby.
(c) Ms. Lemry.
(d) Mr. Mautz.

12. When Moby gets home from visiting with Sarah Byrnes, who has left a message for Moby to call him?
(a) Virgil Byrnes.
(b) Mark Brittain.
(c) Steve Ellerby.
(d) Ms. Lemry.

13. What does Moby sneak into Sarah Byrnes' hospital room?
(a) A tape recorder.
(b) A milkshake.
(c) A notebook.
(d) A dog.

14. When Virgil Byrnes surprises Moby in Moby's car, what does Virgil hold against Moby?
(a) A taser.
(b) A hammer.
(c) A knife.
(d) A gun.

15. After Sarah Byrnes leaves Moby's hospital room, who does Moby immediately call?
(a) Ms. Lemry.
(b) His mom.
(c) Julie Byrnes.
(d) The police.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mr. Mautz ask Moby to do during their lunch?

2. What does Sarah Byrnes consider is too mean for even her father to do?

3. What is Moby's reaction when he listens to his class members feeling responsible for Mark's actions?

4. According to what Mr. Mautz tells Moby during their lunch, what kind of kid does Mr. Mautz consider Mark Brittain to be?

5. When Mark Brittain finally speaks to the students in the CAT class/study hall, what does he call himself?

(see the answer keys)

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