Startide Rising Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Startide Rising Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Gillian trying to do to help the Streaker?
(a) Send out coded messages.
(b) Distract the Captain from pain.
(c) Give medical help.
(d) Lure mutineers away.

2. Why does the captain give speeches to his crew so often?
(a) To feel important.
(b) To calm them.
(c) To spread information.
(d) To build morale.

3. What does K'tha Jon do when a fight breaks out?
(a) Joins it.
(b) Bets on it.
(c) Stops it.
(d) Ignores it.

4. What kind of wreck does Tom inspect?
(a) Soro.
(b) Thennanin.
(c) Hennanin.
(d) Torron.

5. What does Denni feel when she loses her concentration?
(a) Complete dread.
(b) Calm and peace.
(c) Lust and sexuality.
(d) Anger.

6. What does Akki try to motivate people to do after the Captain's death?
(a) Mutiny.
(b) Relax.
(c) Their duty.
(d) Escape.

7. Who commands the bridge during the Captain's rest period?
(a) Jim.
(b) John.
(c) Jake.
(d) Juan.

8. How does Hannes describe the neo-dolphins?
(a) Colloquial.
(b) Eager to please.
(c) Finnicky.
(d) Absent.

9. What does Dennie like about Creideiki?
(a) His patience.
(b) His wisdom.
(c) His caution.
(d) His boldness.

10. What kind of leak is traced to the Streaker?
(a) A tsu leak.
(b) A fui leak.
(c) A psi leak.
(d) A gni leak.

11. Who gets the crushed robot to work?
(a) Tohiso.
(b) Akki.
(c) Hikihu.
(d) Creideiki.

12. How does Gillian learn about the Tandu?
(a) By talking to the Captain.
(b) From the wreckage.
(c) Through a book.
(d) From the Niss.

13. What are the Brothers of the Night?
(a) An enemy war plan.
(b) A religious group.
(c) A research group.
(d) A political council.

14. What does Kiqui call Tom's escape plan?
(a) Ingenious.
(b) Ridiculous.
(c) Mad.
(d) Generous.

15. What does Creideiki miss about his old species?
(a) Its innocence.
(b) Its intelligence.
(c) Its independance.
(d) Its ignorance.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many times have Client Races tried to rebel?

2. What about the robot does Charles complain about?

3. How many men does Tom take to inspect the wreck?

4. What does Haoke try to get Moki to do?

5. Who is in charge after the Captain's death?

(see the answer keys)

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