Startide Rising Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Startide Rising Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of creature is Boult?
(a) Soro.
(b) Tandu.
(c) Kiqui.
(d) Thannanin.

2. What kind of plane does Tom fly in front of a storm?
(a) A motor plane.
(b) A gaseous plane.
(c) A solar plane.
(d) A holographic plane.

3. What do the Soro plan to destroy when they get to Kithrup?
(a) A moon.
(b) The central core.
(c) The Streaker.
(d) The atmosphere.

4. What does Keepiru collect before leaving the ship?
(a) All of these.
(b) Documents.
(c) Equipment.
(d) Food.

5. What causes the natural disaster in Chapter 7?
(a) Telepathic disturbance by the Acceptor.
(b) A crashed star cruiser.
(c) Soro manipulation.
(d) The fleet of star ships in the atmosphere.

6. What does Dennie do when Sah'ot makes advances on her?
(a) Ignores him.
(b) Kisses him.
(c) Slaps him.
(d) Laughs at him.

7. Who is in charge after the Captain's death?
(a) Tom.
(b) Akki.
(c) Gillian.
(d) Jim.

8. What did the Streaker once trade with a ship in another galaxy?
(a) Glass.
(b) Information.
(c) Engineering.
(d) Metal.

9. What does Akki resent?
(a) Being stuck on the ship.
(b) Being left on the island.
(c) Getting poor medical treatment.
(d) Working with neo-dolphins.

10. What does Dennie like about Creideiki?
(a) His caution.
(b) His patience.
(c) His wisdom.
(d) His boldness.

11. What kind of strange tree does Dennie destroy on Kithrup?
(a) A latch tree.
(b) A screw tree.
(c) A bolt tree.
(d) A drill tree.

12. What does Sah'ot study?
(a) Linguistics.
(b) Metallic combinations.
(c) Aboriginies.
(d) Politics.

13. What about the Golden Age does Tom call crippling?
(a) Their mentality.
(b) Their weapons.
(c) Their vulnerability.
(d) Their trust.

14. What keeps the Soro queen from executing her chief?
(a) Her maternal instinct.
(b) Her egg's crack.
(c) Her loneliness.
(d) Her need for fertilization.

15. What does Akki call the people left on the ship?
(a) The dregs of the crew.
(b) The sacrificial lambs.
(c) The strong and the true.
(d) Miscreants.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Gillian trying to do to help the Streaker?

2. What planet does this book take place on?

3. Who is trying to enslave the Terragens Council?

4. What does Gillian have dreams about after Tom leaves?

5. Why does Jim think the aliens will not be tricked?

(see the answer keys)

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