Stamped From the Beginning Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Ibram X. Kendi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stamped From the Beginning Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Ibram X. Kendi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 4: "W. E. B. Du Bois," Chapters 24-26.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was Woodrow Wilson born?
(a) Arkansas.
(b) Mississippi.
(c) Tennessee.
(d) Virginia.

2. When was the first women's rights convention held in Seneca Falls, New York?
(a) March, 1842.
(b) June, 1879.
(c) March, 1840.
(d) July, 1848.

3. The author states in Chapter 5 that tobacco exports in the Mid-Atlantic regions increased from 20,000 pounds in 1619 to how many by 1700?
(a) 62 million.
(b) 38 million.
(c) 15 million.
(d) 20 million.

4. Who knocked out Tommy Burns in Australia in 1908?
(a) Samuel Sewall.
(b) James Elbert Cutler.
(c) Thomas Dixon.
(d) Jack Johnson.

5. What church did Increase Mather helm?
(a) The Episcopalian Church of Boston.
(b) The North Church of Boston.
(c) The South Church of Boston.
(d) The Quaker Church of Boston.

Short Answer Questions

1. When was the Germantown Petition Against Slavery produced?

2. When did Theodore Roosevelt order the dishonerable discharge of 167 Black soldiers in the 25th Infantry Regiment?

3. Who wrote The Selling of Joseph?

4. When did Nat Turner organize and execture one of the country's most notorious slave rebellions?

5. On what date did both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams die?

(see the answer key)

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