Stalking the Angel Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Crais
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stalking the Angel Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Crais
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is missing in Eddie Tang's apartment?
(a) A television set.
(b) The usual toiletries.
(c) His martial arts trophies.
(d) A bed.

2. When Kerri, Mimi's friend, asks Mimi about Cole's identity, how does Cole respond?
(a) Elvis Presley.
(b) Mickey Spillane.
(c) Superman.
(d) Peter Parker.

3. Where does Cole want to meet with Bradley and Sheila to discuss the situation with them?
(a) A neutral, public place.
(b) Bradley's office.
(c) Their home.
(d) Cole's apartment.

4. In Chapter Twenty-Four, Cole tells Mimi that he must speak to her. What does Mimi first tell him?
(a) She is in love with someone.
(b) Her home is here now.
(c) She wil not go back home.
(d) She tells him to leave her alone or else.

5. Why does Pike believe Eddie Tang killed Ishida?
(a) To keep the Hagakure.
(b) He was jealous.
(c) To go further up in the yakuza.
(d) For Mimi's sake.

6. What does Cole hear Eddie Tang say to Mimi at the lake house that is very unexpected?
(a) He loves her.
(b) He is an undercover cop.
(c) They are both going to China.
(d) He has killed Bradley.

7. Why is it that Bradley cannot promise Frank that he will be able to keep Kira Asano's name out of the situation once Cole picks up Mimi?
(a) He may feel compelled to spill everything.
(b) He does not know what Mimi will tell the police.
(c) He cannot guarantee that Mimi's parents will not attack Asano.
(d) He is not sure if Eddie Tang wil make trouble.

8. Whom does Cole call in Chapter Thirty-One to tell that he had found Mimi and then lost her?
(a) Carol Hillegas.
(b) Jillian Becker.
(c) Joe Pike.
(d) Lou Poitras.

9. What do the police and Cole find hiding in an upstairs bedroom in Asano's house in Chapter Thirty?
(a) Two girls hiding in a closet.
(b) The Hagakure.
(c) A stash of money.
(d) Mimi.

10. How does Cole describe Traci Louise Fishman's look as he views her looking at him with her out-from-under eyes and little-girl face?
(a) A left-behind look.
(b) An easily-frightened face.
(c) A look that could kill.
(d) A lonely-little-girl attitude.

11. What does Ito determine about the short muscular man lying dead on Asano's couch?
(a) He is an undercover detective.
(b) He is still alive.
(c) He is a member of yakuza.
(d) He has committed suicide.

12. What does Kira Asano finally instruct Frank to do after discussing the return of the Hagakure and smoothing things over with the police?
(a) To lock up Mimi until they hear from Eddie Tang.
(b) To call the police to send Mimi to juvenile detention.
(c) To kill Cole so there are no witnesses.
(d) To get Mimi so Cole can help her.

13. Which company employs Eddie Ditko?
(a) Stop & Go.
(b) Gray Shield Enterprises.
(c) Time-Warner
(d) The Herald Examiner.

14. What is Bradley's nervous tic that gives away the fact that he is lying about his molestation of Mimi?
(a) His eye flutters madly.
(b) His lips twitch uncontrollably.
(c) He rolls his shoulders.
(d) He continually taps his finger on the table.

15. Who is waiting for Eddie Tang in front of the Pago Pago Club?
(a) Lou Poitras.
(b) Yuki Torobuni.
(c) Mimi Warren.
(d) Elvis Cole.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Cole do to show Bradley that he is very serious about the Warrens going into therapy with Carol Hillegas?

2. Where does Mimi tell her father to meet her in Chapter Twenty-Nine?

3. What does Cole tell Jillian Becker they are searching for in Mimi's bedroom?

4. What does the man who rents Cole and Pike a boat at Arrowhead Village tell them to watch out for while on the water?

5. Where does Traci Louise Fishman attend school?

(see the answer keys)

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