Stalking the Angel Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Robert Crais
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stalking the Angel Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Robert Crais
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Twenty Eight-Thirty.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does it say in Bushido about being a warrior?
(a) There is no translation of that.
(b) The warrior is the owner of the book.
(c) The way of the warrior is death.
(d) The warrior must pray for peace one day.

2. What does Cole tell Jillian Becker they are searching for in Mimi's bedroom?
(a) Photos from her childhood.
(b) Something with names and phone numbers.
(c) CDs from bands she loves.
(d) Hidden money.

3. What does Cole order Bradley to do when he keeps insisting that he does not know what Cole is talking about?
(a) To throw his drink in Sheila's face.
(b) To send Mimi away in Cole's care.
(c) To tell Sheila about Mimi.
(d) To give him back his job.

4. Where does the caller in Chapter Eleven tell Mimi the Hagaku belongs?
(a) In their own hands.
(b) In a bank's safe.
(c) To the spirit of Japan.
(d) To the last Emporer of Japan.

5. What does Cole learn about Mimi in Chapter Twenty-One that gives Cole a cold feeling?
(a) She puts out lit cigarettes on her belly.
(b) She has multiple piercings on her belly button.
(c) She has shaved her head.
(d) She has tatoos from her elbows down to her knees.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Lou Poitras react after viewing the murder seen in Ishida's office?

2. What is the color of Mimi's hair in the photo which Cole views in Chapter Twenty?

3. What is it that Cole cannot stop smelling in Chapter Ten?

4. How does Cole find out what Traci Louise Fishman looks like?

5. When Cole and Jillian meet the Warrens at their home so Cole can discuss Mimi with them, where does Jillian tell them she is going?

(see the answer key)

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